Hey Ghostheads,
I'm happy to announce the launch of the Ghostbusters.net Ebay Auction Tracker. You can now enter in URLs to Ghostbusters Ebay auctions and we will take care of the rest. Once you enter in a URL to track, Ghostbusters.net automatically grabs the title, number of bids, current bid price, etc and we store that information in our database. The auction is stored in your profile and the auction information will be updated every hour in our database until the auction ends and then the auction will automatically expire from our database and from the page (as well as your profile).
Be sure to edit your profile which you can now enter in your Ebay username so all of your auctions appear in your profile, even if someone else has already added the URL for tracking. All non-Ghostbusters auctions will be deleted from the tracking system, only enter Ghostbuster-related auctions.
For more information and to get started tracking Ghostbusters auctions go to the shop section.