GB.Net member wants old username deleted

by whoyagonnacall1

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey,I'm good friends with the member known as WalterPeck,and he has asked me to ask you guys if you could delete his username from the userlist. He''s forgotten his password,and rather than trying to remember it,would like to start on a clean slate w/ a new username. Any assitance you guys could provide would be most appreciated. Thanks!

by whoyagonnacall1

21 years, 9 months ago

Please,any help would be beneficial to us both! Thanks! :d

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

I think you'd need some kind of proof, like maybe Chad emailing the original guys registered email accounbt and recieving concent for it to happen.

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 9 months ago

maybe someone ought to run some ips first…

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

Your best bet is for Walter Peck to email Chad. Either Chad can delete the account or more likely, he will be able to (provide Walter uses the same email he signed up with), find out his password.

Accounts won't be deleted because a third party asks on their behalf (too much opportunity for abuse)

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 9 months ago

Don't we have one of those things on this site where you say that you've lost your password and they e-mail it to you? I could've sworn we did.

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

You know, I never noticed. I've always remembered my password.

But you're right, we do.

Peck can get his password emailed to himself here. If his email has changed, he'll have to go back to plan A, which is to talk to Chad.

by whoyagonnacall1

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok-thanks,guys. And,by the way,I'm not setting Walter up for abuse, I go to school w/him,and his computer's down a lot. It's just a friend helping a friend. Anyway,thanks guys,i'll let him know of his options the next time he comes online. :s

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks Who. Tell Walt we look forward to seeing him online soon.

by whoyagonnacall1

21 years, 9 months ago

will do,guys,will do! :s