Hello all, new here, but have been reading for the past few months.
I have a question for Skankzero, since you work on the project.
My question relates to how much of a movie this feels like?
1. Do the characters say the same lines over and over throughout the game? An example would be a character getting slimed and saying, “He slimed me,” each time it happens? Or is it very scripted to a “T?”
2. Does this feel so much like the movies, it breaks between levels to show them doing normal things like in the movies, such as chatting it up while sitting at a table at the station, or Peter and the new lady having any scenes while not in typical Ghostbuster attire?
3. Is this game, one level, to the next, to the next, with nothing in between to get us re-established with the characters, and follow through with any plot?
I'm hoping this has a true movie feel… Namely the same lines not being uttered time and time again while going through the levels, having scenes with them in normal clothes, having normal scenes ala the movies, and heck, just like movie 1 and 2, there was always a montage with music playing showing them busting numerous ghosts. Oh and we cannot forget that each movie had a really cool theme song to compliment it (ie Ray Parker Jr. in part 1, and Bobby Browns, “On Our Own,” for part 2.) It has to have a new song.
Thanks for answering any questions… I will buy the game regardless, because it is Ghostbusters, and they deserve all the praise for having good films, and actors. Thanks for helping make a good game, but I am curious as to how much of a movie feel, this game has.
Thanks again.
Just remember, it's not a movie, it's a game and thus constrained to our limitations.
You can't possibly expect for any game developer to record enough dialogue to compensate for the dynamic nature of gameplay.
If a guy gets slimed he'll say, ‘he slimed me’, or something to that nature. Maybe 1 or 2 variations on that.
If you shoot someone they'll say, ‘hey, watch out.’ or a couple variations on that.
If you play like a jackass and spend your time staring at some random corner in the hotel, you'll hear them say, ‘i ain’t got all day', or a couple variations on that. They will wait for you to catch up, so they'll just be standing there playing random ambient until you catch up.
If it was scripted to a ‘T’, it wouldn't be a game. At that point you might as well just make a movie. Kinda defeats the purpose.
As far as them doing ‘normal things’, that's what cinemats are for. Of course there will be cinemats between levels to pass on plot. That's kind of a silly concern. Although how much you'll see of them say, ‘going out to dinner with the love interest’ will have to wait to be seen. After all, you guys don't know the time line in which the game takes place. Does it span weeks, months, or just hours, days?