GBTVG Footage of New Cutscenes and Demo!

by RickyM

15 years, 11 months ago

yeah i'd prefer a whole new theme tune for the new movie, not this game, i want gameplay gameplay and more gameplay i'm very happy with what ive seen

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

If you play like a jackass and spend your time staring at some random corner in the hotel, you'll hear them say, ‘i ain’t got all day', or a couple variations on that.

haha, that one made me laugh Skanker.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 11 months ago

yeah i'd prefer a whole new theme tune for the new movie

*BLASPHEMY!! :-):p


by megax111

15 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for the followup Skanker.

I will buy the game regardless, I was just hoping for some token lines from Peter that come while not Ghostbusting… It is hard to believe that while I do like the Ghostbusting segments of the movies, I also like the parts of them just playing off each other in character.

I also happen to be a huge GB nut, like many here probably, and feel deprived because outside of the cartoon, we've only had a total of 3 hours with the real - REAL - Ghostbusters (ie Dan, Bill, Ernie, and Harold.)

I think you guys are doing a great job not just rushing a product out, and I thank you for that. However, the GB nut in me, wants to see these characters play off each other as well as they have in the past, but not totally in the field, walking from point A to B.

The trailers make it feel like a true GB film, which is really cool… I guess I'm just scared a new GB film won't be made, and if it is, we won't see enough of the old cast…

In my eyes, I'd rather see many GB films (or games,) in place of all these dumb movie series, that get made day after day (ie the Saw films.) This franchise deserves to last as long as the James Bonds have.

Thanks again for the reply… Great job on the characters.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

Megax11, no offense to you, but I think everyone on this forum is a Ghostbusters nut…otherwise why would we come here?

by robbritton

15 years, 11 months ago

Wait, this is a Ghostbusters forum?

Oh man, and all this time I thought we'd been talking about D.A.R.Y.L.


by skankerzero

15 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for the followup Skanker.

I will buy the game regardless, I was just hoping for some token lines from Peter that come while not Ghostbusting… It is hard to believe that while I do like the Ghostbusting segments of the movies, I also like the parts of them just playing off each other in character.

I also happen to be a huge GB nut, like many here probably, and feel deprived because outside of the cartoon, we've only had a total of 3 hours with the real - REAL - Ghostbusters (ie Dan, Bill, Ernie, and Harold.)

I think you guys are doing a great job not just rushing a product out, and I thank you for that. However, the GB nut in me, wants to see these characters play off each other as well as they have in the past, but not totally in the field, walking from point A to B.

The trailers make it feel like a true GB film, which is really cool… I guess I'm just scared a new GB film won't be made, and if it is, we won't see enough of the old cast…

In my eyes, I'd rather see many GB films (or games,) in place of all these dumb movie series, that get made day after day (ie the Saw films.) This franchise deserves to last as long as the James Bonds have.

Thanks again for the reply… Great job on the characters.

There will be plenty of banter, no worries on that.

It's just there's only so many ways you can say ‘he slimed me’ or ‘over here’ before it's just wasting time when you could be recording other, better things.

It's all in how you play. if you keep sliming someone then get used to hearing it and at that point, you kind of deserve it.

No worries though. This game is as close as you will ever get to a full movie involving the original cast, unless they begin to make 3d movies.

by RickyM

15 years, 11 months ago

lol 3d movies is a possiblity actually haha

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

Hey skankerzero, I just one last question I would like to ask i that is alright.

Can you manually “holster” the thrower? What I mean is could you manually put the thrower back on the pack and move around without it in your hand?

I seem to notice this in a few footage where he will have it holstered in the beginning, go through the level a little busting, but then come to another part of the game play only to have it holstered again.

I am wondering if this is caused by what the player does or does the game make it up like this?

by RickyM

15 years, 11 months ago

you mean like 'equip….unequip…?