GBTVG Footage of New Cutscenes and Demo!

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

yes, I guess…if it helps understand that better. In way, unequipe the thrower without having to pull out another item like the PKE meter

by megax111

15 years, 11 months ago

Scott Sommer;137467
Megax11, no offense to you, but I think everyone on this forum is a Ghostbusters nut…otherwise why would we come here?

Yea, I made sure not to leave anyone out of the GB nut bit I posted…

“I also happen to be a huge GB nut, like many here probably.”

That was what I said in that post.

When I play the game, I don't plan on sitting around long, or getting slimed in order for them to not say the same thing, if possible.

I just found some of the best written stuff in the movies came during times when they weren't busting.

Some of the scenes I liked the most in GB, was the scene with Peter in Dana's apartment when he's checking out her fridge, or the scene with the guys experimenting with the slime, and dancing along with the toaster in the station… To me those scenes made me feel as if they were really close friends, and they all shared a bond.

It is good to know there is plenty of banter, and hopefully this game sells well enough you guys can get another game going… Show the industry it has the legs to keep going.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

Yea, I made sure not to leave anyone out of the GB nut bit I posted…

“I also happen to be a huge GB nut, like many here probably.”

That was what I said in that post.

It is good to know there is plenty of banter, and hopefully this game sells well enough you guys can get another game going… Show the industry it has the legs to keep going.

That's fine and all, but it is redundant to state something that is obvious. “I am a Ghostbusters nut. ” Well of course you are, this is a Ghostbusters forum. It would be ridiculous for me to expect you to hate Ghostbusters.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

Scott Sommer;137478
That's fine and all, but it is redundant to state something that is obvious. “I am a Ghostbusters nut. ” Well of course you are, this is a Ghostbusters forum. It would be ridiculous for me to expect you to hate Ghostbusters.

I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than need be.

The guy was just making a statement and explaining himself. He wasn't suggesting that anyone would think he's not a Ghostbusters nut, but it just lends itself to what he was saying and further solidifies his point. Its not a big deal that he made the statement. He wasn't implying that anyone thought he hated Ghostbusters.

by megax111

15 years, 11 months ago

Yea, I mean no harm, just making convo and asking Skanker a couple of questions.

I actually found this website by accident, but mainly due to the release of TRGB on DVD, and the game… I needed more info and found this site somehow.

Glad I did, because it seems new game info is coming here, before other game sites.

You know, I wish they'd come out with a new GB cartoon.

by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago

The demo looks ideal. I can't wait for it.

While I was stoked to hear Bill Murray in the game, did he sound a little… unenthused? Maybe not even that, but it just seemed like there were a lot of pauses between his dialogue, and not his usual style of line delivery.

I'm sure the final product will be awesome, though.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

I think that is how Peter Venkman is though. He is the type of guy that would rather do the least amount of work, but get the most fame.

He is supposed to sound “bored” as he doesn't care much for the ghost busting part.

Even in the first movie, he looked bored walking through the Sedwick hotel like “Alright, let's just find this thing, collect the money and go home.”

The whole line of him saying “Well, that's your problem” is perfect for Venkman as he would be the most likely one to say that.

by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago

They did nail his swagger, though. That total slacker, not really into the job thing that was in the movies. I'll be curious to see how the rest of his performance works out, though. It just seems like there were more pauses than usual in his line delivery.