GBTVG Footage of New Cutscenes and Demo!

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 11 months ago

yeah i want it to be perfect too but face it, nothing's perfect. So we move on and appreciate we are finally getting a Ghostbusters game and its being done right and it looks great overall.

I'm really getting a kick out of what folks on here are saying. Funny how people say he looked better in the old render when he looked like a shiny plastic Ken doll. C'mon, the new renders look great, im very impressed. I cant wait to see the final product.

Yeah, I'm just glad that we're not getting a game that the Nerd will have to review when, and if he ever does PS3/360 games, that would be heartbreaking again.

by RobertBlues

15 years, 11 months ago

Here it is, my mate who works for this game website. not sure what i is, buts its Australain is reciveving copies fro the WII and PS3 demo, next week or the week after. so with any lucky and preforming a few tasks too adult to mention here, i should be getting his copy of the PS3 demo when he's done with it.

by skankerzero

15 years, 11 months ago

Bam Blues;137185
Here it is, my mate who works for this game website. not sure what i is, buts its Australain is reciveving copies fro the WII and PS3 demo, next week or the week after. so with any lucky and preforming a few tasks too adult to mention here, i should be getting his copy of the PS3 demo when he's done with it.

well, i warn you now. don't distribute it if you do end up with it. If he's smart, he wouldn't pass it out to begin with.

all reviewer builds will have a watermark number that lets Atari trace it back to the reviewer that leaked it.

by demonaz

15 years, 11 months ago

Bam Blues;137185
Here it is, my mate who works for this game website. not sure what i is, buts its Australain is reciveving copies fro the WII and PS3 demo, next week or the week after. so with any lucky and preforming a few tasks too adult to mention here, i should be getting his copy of the PS3 demo when he's done with it.

Just go to his house and play it :-P

by RobertBlues

15 years, 11 months ago

Nah she'll be right. lol he knows id take his life for it. so he'd hand it over, besides im too damn lazy to do anything but play it. its the Australian condition.


15 years, 11 months ago

You shouldn't be blasting this around. Being neutral about this is the best way.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

It's pretty much what Sp9543 said.

I could go into all the technical reasons why their likenesses break from time to time, but I'm lazy today.

camera angles, lighting, animation, camera focal length, etc. tons of reasons.

There are many reasons, but what it comes down to is the way the human eye sees it.

Differences between the old and the new
-Ray wears goggles in the new one. (This one is a biggie)

-Dynamic lighting was added. The last one kind of didn't have that much dynamic lighting.

-Night scene is darker to make it look like night. Last one looked like the light was during the day when really it was a night shot. (Filmmakers themselves sometimes have this problems)

-More shadows bring out the features in the face. Remember it does use real time lighting. As indicated by Mark Randel in the tech demos.

-More refined muscle movement.

I want to be a game render myself and I know few things since me and a friend are building our game. Although he does all the programming and I create the art.

Good stuff Skankerzero, but you don't need me to say that. The proof is in the work.

I have a question though if you could answer. Does the proton stream create a light source? I am curious if light radiated from the proton stream reflects off the atmosphere.

by Whisk

15 years, 11 months ago

Jonathan Archer;137179
Yeah, I'm just glad that we're not getting a game that the Nerd will have to review when, and if he ever does PS3/360 games, that would be heartbreaking again.

haha, i love that vid, he really tears it a new one. i remember liking the game as a kid but watching it now i realize how bad the NES version was. I still like the Master System version to this day. I wonder if they will release these on WiiWare anytime soon.

by skankerzero

15 years, 11 months ago

Scott Sommer;137198
-More shadows bring out the features in the face. Remember it does use real time lighting. As indicated by Mark Randel in the tech demos.
On the real time lighting stuff, you have to remember that those are prerendered cinemats. They're trying their best to match our in game lighting.
I have a question though if you could answer. Does the proton stream create a light source? I am curious if light radiated from the proton stream reflects off the atmosphere.
The proton stream does create a light source. It is not dynamic as that would choke the fill rate on all consoles with 5 dynamic lights being shined around.

by robbritton

15 years, 11 months ago

Is the cut scene at the end of the Sedgewick level from a different assembly to the new Stay Puft cut scene? Or are some cut scenes just using in game models, like Halo?

Probably a closely guarded secret, but figured it was worth asking - there seems to be some differences in quality between the two. Not a complaint, just an observation!