It's pretty much what Sp9543 said.
I could go into all the technical reasons why their likenesses break from time to time, but I'm lazy today.
camera angles, lighting, animation, camera focal length, etc. tons of reasons.
There are many reasons, but what it comes down to is the way the human eye sees it.
Differences between the old and the new
-Ray wears goggles in the new one. (This one is a biggie)
-Dynamic lighting was added. The last one kind of didn't have that much dynamic lighting.
-Night scene is darker to make it look like night. Last one looked like the light was during the day when really it was a night shot. (Filmmakers themselves sometimes have this problems)
-More shadows bring out the features in the face. Remember it does use real time lighting. As indicated by Mark Randel in the tech demos.
-More refined muscle movement.
I want to be a game render myself and I know few things since me and a friend are building our game. Although he does all the programming and I create the art.
Good stuff Skankerzero, but you don't need me to say that. The proof is in the work.
I have a question though if you could answer. Does the proton stream create a light source? I am curious if light radiated from the proton stream reflects off the atmosphere.