Is the cut scene at the end of the Sedgewick level from a different assembly to the new Stay Puft cut scene? Or are some cut scenes just using in game models, like Halo?
Probably a closely guarded secret, but figured it was worth asking - there seems to be some differences in quality between the two. Not a complaint, just an observation!
All cut scenes, even the pre-rendered ones use the in game models. The difference comes in the amount of time put into the animation. Also, remember, all real time stuff you're seeing is a work in progress and still being touched up.
The most they're doing for the pre-rendered cinemats is applying a mesh smooth which only smooths out the model so you can't see hard edges.
We have some of the most complex main character models in any game right now. Egon is roughly 29K polygons with full upgraded equipment. The main characters on Gears are about 10.