Jonathan Archer;136952
Well, I was referring to the Multiplayer. I think they mentioned that crossing the streams in single player won't do anything.
“Well the Ghostbusters are professionals and they won't let them kill you so they will stop firing or maneuver to keep the beams from crossing.”
Something like that.
Cool thing I just noticed is that the big thing on top of the Ecto-1b is not a turrent, but a giant ghost trap or even a mini containment unit.
It also appears that in the multiplayer you get to pick the second equipment type you want. So one person only gets to have one other upgrade besides the regular proton stream. That will make it interesting for team work like you will have some people with one equipment to do one job while another teammates or teammates watches their back with another. Or group 1 works on the big enemies with the much more powerful beams and stuff while group 2 watches their back with the other ones.
I can;t wait to play this.
Also if no one has noticed this yet. They crossed the streams around 4:25 mark and it shows a proton reverse hitting you and the other guy down the stream knocking you down and taking a substantial amount of health away.