GB:TVG Pre-Order Bonus Gift From GameStop.

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Is this offer also at EB Games?

Gamestop and EB Games are the same company.

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

I pre ordered the game way back before it was on atari. Does anyone know if that still counts?
I would think so, but call to find out.(*peter)

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

I pre ordered the game way back before it was on atari. Does anyone know if that still counts?

I would think that it would depend on who you actually pre-ordered it with. When Gamestop took it out of their computers when it was dropped by Activision; that from my understanding effectively canceled all pre-orders for it…which is why soon after Gamestop automated called everyone with pre-orders offering a refund. But like rockstar said, I'd call to make sure

by RealmMan

16 years ago

Is this offer also at EB Games?

Given that EB Games and GameStop are one and the same, I'll go with yes. (If your local EB Games hasn't become GameStop yet, it will be.)

by lionheart1

16 years ago

I really dislike going into my local GameStop. Perhaps I'll just preorder the DS version online and have it shipped to me. =P

by RickyM

16 years ago

lol i dislike going to my local gamestation, the staff are dull cunts in there,

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

None of the EB Games near me have become GameStops. Not that I'm complaining lol. I'll probably reserve a copy anyway, but even if I don't get a shirt it wouldn't matter because I've already got a few GB shirts. It'd be cooler if it was something like a mini comic or small figure. Oh well.

by Ectoman57

16 years ago

Peter Venkmen;135271
None of the EB Games near me have become GameStops. Not that I'm complaining lol. I'll probably reserve a copy anyway, but even if I don't get a shirt it wouldn't matter because I've already got a few GB shirts. It'd be cooler if it was something like a mini comic or small figure. Oh well.

themini comic was saposed to be it way back ago, i had it from a good source

by Slimed84

16 years ago

I just bought the same shirt at Wal-Mart on Friday and mine glows in the dark. It cost me $9.50 which is a heck of a deal considering most stores would charge $19.95 or more for it.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

I just bought the same shirt at Wal-Mart on Friday and mine glows in the dark. It cost me $9.50 which is a heck of a deal considering most stores would charge $19.95 or more for it.

Haha, so did I….except I bought mine at Kohl's and only payed $7.50 after the coupon I used with the added discount.