GBTVG w/ Bluetooth Headsets

by csullivan1980

15 years, 5 months ago

I admit I've been an owner of a next-gen console for only a couple months now and one of the primary reasons of getting one was for GBTVG.

Over the weekend I purchased a PS3 wireless headset and last night began gaming with it on. This is a new experience for me hearing other players and being able to communicate back to them. So far it's a little awkward but I hope to get into more as I play on.

A couple times I've heard other players commenting on my weapon choice during Survival, Containment or Campaign modes. Who cares what I choose not like it'll affect the way you play.

I understand some players are more hardcore than others but at times I want to say, “Lighten up bro.” Oh well, it's entertaining too. :-)

by Sii

15 years, 5 months ago

(*rant) I hate to sound like “that guy,” but what you choose may affect the over all match. If you start off with the proton stream, you don't get any real benefit from its use. It is good to start off with at least one free weapon, which can help immensely during the start of some matches. A good example is if you are playing containment, you want to trap as many ghost as fast as possible to beat the map. So in this instance, it is very beneficial to start with the slime blower as your weapon so that you can quickly trap ghost with the slime tether. I'm not trying to sound stand offish about this issue, I'm just trying to give you a bit of advice that I have gained from playing online since day 2.(*rant)

by csullivan1980

15 years, 5 months ago

don't worry about being “that guy” it's all good. any insight is most helpful.

i like the proton stream because i feel i have more control over keeping my aim on a ghost weakening him down but the downside to that, you're right, it's not as fast. however, as fast as the slime blower is trying to tether those PITA fast ghost can take just as long unless you have great reaction time. plus, you do not have as much freedom to move around; trying to tether a ghost into a trap only works great if they are relatively close.

so, i can see it from both ways. every weapon has an advantage and disadvantage sadly.

by Sii

15 years, 5 months ago

Well, tethering ghost into the trap is a skill you develop which can trap ghost insanely quickly, but the neat thing about the tether is, if you miss, the ghost is knocked out and you can throw a capture stream on the ghost instantly, and wrangle him into a trap. This way you don't spend two or three tethers on one ghost.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 5 months ago

practice with all the guns, i use to be big on the proton till i practiced with the slime tether ALOT and now i use it alot , the blue works good on big monsters and the collider works on about everything, it can knock ghosts out really fast and kills the smaller ground ghosts very very easily

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 5 months ago

I still use the Proton Pack. and only the Proton Pack. lulz.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 5 months ago

I still use the Proton Pack. and only the Proton Pack. lulz.

Like you I'm a big fan of the proton pack. Since I began playing I feel my accuracy and control have improved greatly. It was funny thought, the other night I was multilayer and it was a “Containment” game. Wanting to improve my skills with the slime blower I chose that as my secondary weapon. The creator of the game, who also had a BT headset started shouting at the other two players for choosing proton packs. He continued to say if they did not choose a slime blower he wouldn't start the game.

WOW! Like before I said I am quite new to the whole being able to talk to fellow players but never expected HARDCORE control freaks to do that. :-O They way I see it as long as it doesn't screw up you moving up the ranks what harm does it do?

Oh well, everyone plays however they want.

by Sii

15 years, 5 months ago

They way I see it as long as it doesn't screw up you moving up the ranks what harm does it do?

well, to a certain degree it does, and it doesn't. On a match like survival, it prolly won't affect too much. If you were to be playing containment, you have a limited time to catch ghost. If everyone has the slime blower as their weapon, then you would have up to 20 slime tethers pulling ghost into traps. If you catch all the ghost, you get more money, and when you get more money, you move up in the ranks. So there are instances where it does cut down on your effectivness to climb the ranks. And if getting on top matters to you, then I would suggest finding the best way to optomize cash flow.

by lionheart1

15 years, 5 months ago

Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. When I play with my buddy, I almost ALWAYS go to the stasis stream and he likes the slime tether. It's just a difference in preference. We have completed every mode on every map with this dynamic (save for containment in which I went to slime tether as well, but that's not to say I haven't completed a containments with the stasis stream). But I don't really get why anyone else would say anything about you picking this or that. It's not like they don't appear for you to pick up if you want. And just because someone gets on you to pick slime tether in containment doesn't mean you're going to use it or use it right. I played a containment with a guy who shot at the ghosts with the meson collider as they were sinking into the trap. I'd much rather play with someone who wanted to try to help catch the ghosts with the proton stream, thx.

by VirusZero

15 years, 4 months ago

I know this is a little late in reply but… Ah well.

Though I have a mic, I don't oft use it. I may have a mic, but I don't always have something I want to say. However if I know who I'm playing with then I prefer to use one.

Though I've yet to hear people complain about my selection of equipment. Maybe I've just been lucky so far. (I have had people complain about the fact that I wasn't talking though.)

Though I have been tempted several times to grab my mic and switch it on midgame so I can say something to some of the players… (Such as to ask them not to spam the slam. I find that insanely irritating if I'm trying to coax the ghost into the trap and I've got someone pounding the slam button like every other millisecond.)