GBVA Update!!


22 years, 1 month ago

Hey fellow franchise owners, im here to give you a long needed update on what is goign with Ghostbusters, Virginia! Well we now have two members, Corey, adn me Daniel. So were are now lookign for people to hire onto the staff. The convention had to be cancaled. Sorry ghostheads, but! This is a good but too. Next year we will try to get a spot for all ghostbuster Franchises, we don'y know how things will pull through but we hope to try and get a few or a lot of GB fans in one place, also there coudl a be a chance of GBVA attendign a differnt convention durign the summer, we i'll keep you updated. The packs are nearign completion. Uniform will be doen this week end. Also sorry to do this again but GBVA's official web site has moved back to the angelfire host untill i can get the new site up and ready. REMEMBER WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA!!!