GBVG proton pack !

by DkiDClue

15 years, 5 months ago

been posted before

and the bumber is so ugly , looks awful

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

I think that pack looks like crap, I would never pay even close to that much for a pack that looked like this one. but some people don't know the difference between good construction, and shoddy construction. The seller is obviously banking on the new game and all the new fans.

by jogi82

15 years, 5 months ago

well at least everything is there! but thats all for the pros.!
the quality is realy low!
looks like this fellow pimped his “old one”!

i ask myselfe if it is possible to create a pack that can do all the stuff we see ingame!
i mean the transformation when changing the fire-modes and the overheating!

by metallico33

15 years, 5 months ago

I think that if the pack was real the original movie ones would weight more than 70 pounds, imagine how much the game ones should weight.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 5 months ago

well, first i have to give anyone who takes the time to make a proton pack movie replica huge props! i've never attempted to build one myself and i cannot imagine how much work goes into making one of these bad boys.

making a gbvg proton pack must be very difficult because all they have to go by are screen shots, concept photos and whatever else is available. so inaccuracies are bound to happen especially if you are building one from scratch. modifying an already made proton pack could be more frustrating, i cannot imagine the amount of rewiring that must be done.

that being said, this proton pack is a nice attempt but definitely not worth the $1,500+ it's going for on eBay. most hardcore fans would want to have a pack that is as close to accurate and perfect as possible.

but this guy is making $1,500+ so i think he gets the last laugh. :-O

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

Forget how accurate or inaccurate it is, the fact is that it's sloppy looking and it screams poor craftsmanship.

by DkiDClue

15 years, 5 months ago

to the left of the green tank i would paint a blue tank, and the out of the pvc tube in the top left try to get some orange pvc and put some light in there so then you got all three types

by metallico33

15 years, 5 months ago

Forget how accurate or inaccurate it is, the fact is that it's sloppy looking and it screams poor craftsmanship.

Do you have a proton pack and can we see it ??

because you talk like you made a better one, for my eyes the only thing missing is the scratch worn out surface on the pack itself.

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

Personally I haven't made a game pack. A few of my friends have however and their builds are exponetially better. I have made 12 or so movie based packs. both Gb1 and Gb2
But I know all of my work is pretty close to dead on. I also know that anyone with a lick of talent can build a proton pack, but there are always 2 sides of the spectrum, great packs, and sloppy packs, and whatever falls in between. Now the pack in the picture as far as I can see leans towards the sloppy side of things, A good builder would have an eye to fix things like the screw heads that show, and the tons of innacurracies that riddle that thing. plus it looks like you can see glue spots or paint spots all over it.
Now do I have a game pack? The answer is simple, no. But should I ever build one. and I will,the final product will not be some slap together with hot glue and found items, it'll be as accurate as one can get to the game pack itself.

Tell you what, do you have a pack? can we see pics of it? Maybe we can get a measuring stick while we are at it and see who's is bigger. this isn't a battle, it's a forum, he posted pics in it , I am free to comment on them to my hearts content.

I'm not saying it's a horrible pack either, I'm sure some fool on Ebay will pay every penny he is asking for the thing, I'm just saying with a little more effort it could have been great. So sad.