Personally I haven't made a game pack. A few of my friends have however and their builds are exponetially better. I have made 12 or so movie based packs. both Gb1 and Gb2
But I know all of my work is pretty close to dead on. I also know that anyone with a lick of talent can build a proton pack, but there are always 2 sides of the spectrum, great packs, and sloppy packs, and whatever falls in between. Now the pack in the picture as far as I can see leans towards the sloppy side of things, A good builder would have an eye to fix things like the screw heads that show, and the tons of innacurracies that riddle that thing. plus it looks like you can see glue spots or paint spots all over it.
Now do I have a game pack? The answer is simple, no. But should I ever build one. and I will,the final product will not be some slap together with hot glue and found items, it'll be as accurate as one can get to the game pack itself.
Tell you what, do you have a pack? can we see pics of it? Maybe we can get a measuring stick while we are at it and see who's is bigger. this isn't a battle, it's a forum, he posted pics in it , I am free to comment on them to my hearts content.
I'm not saying it's a horrible pack either, I'm sure some fool on Ebay will pay every penny he is asking for the thing, I'm just saying with a little more effort it could have been great. So sad.