GBVG proton pack !

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

Oh and I have to say this too….That gun is an abomination, the pack and gun both look like they were made from cardboard. There I'm done now. I'll post some pics of the packs I am working on for you metallico.

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

Here's a few pics of 2 packs and throwers I am working on at the moment. all pics taken on my cell phone. One of these packs is my party pack, or more or less my if it breaks who cares pack, and the other is the one I'm building for a friend. all these items wey made buy me. how is that metallico33, do you want to see more pics man?

by metallico33

15 years, 5 months ago

Nah man, very cool packs, good thing is that you can back it up with the pics.

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

I wasn't trying to fight bro, I was only saying that there is a big difference between a well built pack and a slap together that someone makes just to make money. I could pump out poorly made packs all day long and sell them for a huge profit, but that isn't what its about for me, I like making sharp detailed and accurate replicas. Some have even said mine are too clean looking, and that the ones in the movies were full of bumps, warps, and chips. To each their own I guess.

by below_radar_00

15 years, 5 months ago


That weathered gun is one of the best I've seen so far! I've owned 3 proton packs myself so I know a little about good workmanship. It's all too easy for a wooden pack to look fake on account of a bad paint job. Are you in the market to sell a proton gun? I've been lurking about looking for an awesome gun builder to build me a weathered one…

by superstarseven

15 years, 5 months ago

I think he was banned. Bad dealings in the past.
Great pack builder but awful person to try and receive anything from.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

He hasn't been banned here (only Admin can currently ban people), but any business with Hansoloner is to be discouraged as he does apparantly owe items to people he hasn't delievered on, and he created two alternate identities in addition to his original “Mike Brewer” one to avoid the negative feedback he'd accrued on GBFans and Proptopia.

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

No he didn't kingpin, I am not Mike brewer, and on another note I have mailed out all my items on time, please stop this nonsense.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

No he didn't kingpin, I am not Mike brewer, and on another note I have mailed out all my items on time, please stop this nonsense.

It is not “nonsense”. A lot of people have become very skeptical about the various identities linked to Mike, and the fact that the IP address is shared hasn't helped things.

I'll be responding to the two PMs you sent by the end of the day.

by hansoloner

15 years, 5 months ago

I have already explained that he and I live in the same house and share the same computers at home. He is a good guy man, he just has had a lot of bad issues lately. If you want to ban him that's fine, he is moving out in a few weeks anyhow, and will have his own computer. But in all honestly can him and I being forgiven be that much to ask? I have even gone out of my way and to great lengths to ship his late packages to try and make up for the whole mess, and what happens is I get banned as well because we share the same IP address? This is the nonsense I am talking about. I am sorry for what has happended I truly am and would like to come back to the community, I'm sure Mike would too, but I am done speaking for him. I have seen other people do far worse than he did time and time again and never get banned, so this all seems a bit overboard to me. Ben simply put, I am sorry for whatever problems have been caused, can I be forgiven, and can we move past this please?