Holy 3-ing 1, I was so 6-ing shocked when I found out. He was so youthful and had the balls to 2 off the FCC and all those other 5's with his now-infamous, now-legendary four-letter words. This dude was hilarious :-)
I remember a more recent routine he did a few years ago on HBO, where he was talking about how so many people commit suicide, and that there should be a 24-hour suicide channel. “Call it… ‘Extreme Living’!!”
And let's not forget he was Mr. Conductor, in an ironic twist of fate. There used to be a YouTube video of him “swearing” on Shining Time Station, but those 6's who own the rights to Thomas removed the video. 3, that sucks.
George Carlin will be sorely missed, and 3 anybody who says otherwise.

For those who can't remember what words go to which number, a list of the Seven Words can be found in the routine's Wikipedia article.