German MTV GAME ONE preview - Vigo revealed (new video)

by jogi82

15 years, 10 months ago

its either one of these things: my germans rusty

i want sauage on my pizza

Oh when I get out of her im gonna get you so bad…..

Thats what she said

come on let me out, ive got candy

wat happend to yonish?

Ray i miss being inside you…….


and dont forget:
u will feel the pain of million babys
eating by the flames
arrrgh, the bad smell of happyness is “fucking with my” nose (“-” free translation)

and why the hell is vigo in the painting again?
i thought it changed at the end of gb2?

by robbritton

15 years, 10 months ago

Don't worry about it, it's a comedy franchise, they can do whatever they want for laughs. Lame answer but oh so true.

by Andreas

15 years, 10 months ago

And what is Vigo saying in the video?


Zolle Lord Vigo Tribut, Bauer!
(Pay tribute to Lord Vigo, farmer!)

Wäääh! Der Gestank von Glückseligkeit beleidigt meine Nase!
(Ughhh! The stink of felicity insults my nose!)

Ihr werdet die Qualen von Millionen Babys erfahren, die vom kochenden Feuer gefressen werden!
(You will experience the agonies from millions of babies, who are eaten by the cooking fire!)

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

The last one is rather hardcore lol

thanks for the translation ;-)


15 years, 10 months ago

did anyone notice the picture behind ray and egon? Can We say that the picture was drawn by Oscar and that he will be in the game also.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

aaah man i will be gutted so much if we dont get to fight vigo, theres a possibility cuz he's in the game, but i dnt think we're gunna get too personally, such a shame, he used to scare the crap outta me

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Given how silly that whole Vigo segment was presented (not to mention other bits like someone dressed up as Slimer)… and the weird dialogue he supposedly said, I'm inclined to believe that wasn't actually his dialogue and was something Game One invented.

Some really nice visuals none-the-less. That opening shot of Ecto-1 and the Firehouse was awesome, and seeing more of the interior was great, even if it's inaccurate… I just wish they hadn't restricted it so we could see a higher quality version of it.

by Ectofiend

15 years, 10 months ago


Zolle Lord Vigo Tribut, Bauer!
(Pay tribute to Lord Vigo, farmer!)

Wäääh! Der Gestank von Glückseligkeit beleidigt meine Nase!
(Ughhh! The stink of felicity insults my nose!)

Ihr werdet die Qualen von Millionen Babys erfahren, die vom kochenden Feuer gefressen werden!
(You will experience the agonies from millions of babies, who are eaten by the cooking fire!)

*PFffftftftftfttft!!:-):-):-) Funniest.thing.EVAR!!(*peter):-)…


by egonspengler4

15 years, 10 months ago

No that was done by GAME ONE.

No, I don't mean the transition itself, I mean what they transition to.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 10 months ago

I love the whole Vigo homage, I hope to see more of him in the game.

Thanks for the video.