Ghost busters illuminati?

by theo1361

14 years, 1 month ago

nice post bro i wondered about that for a long time as well

by Brendan_M

14 years ago

nice post bro i wondered about that for a long time as well

Thanks dude.

I came across this video, it's not bad for what it is:

Here is one for people with shorter attention spans:

by Willie

14 years ago

Interesting stuff. Nice coincidence I found this thread today, because yesterday I happened upon a webpage of just this very topic. GB Freak, you'd better have a look at it.

by Nix

14 years ago

Me likey, though I'm headdesking at the Obama/Akhenaten connection.

by Kingpin

14 years ago

I'm mostly headdesking the “Ghostbusters/Illuminati” connection. (*egon)

by Brendan_M

14 years ago

I'm mostly headdesking the “Ghostbusters/Illuminati” connection. (*egon)

You would. Didn't you already say you didn't see the connection. Too bad a people think differently, I'm surprise with how well this thread has been received by other members. I'm glad I"m not alone. I'll be sue to ask Mr. Gross about the connection in the days to come.

I'll only say this about Obama/Akhenaten…anything is possible.

by JamesCGamora

14 years ago

The reason for it's “well reception” is due in part to the fact it hasn't turned into an a-typical conspiracy theory thread, and instead has actually pointed out and marginally discussed some of the Masonic imagery used in the creation of the cult used in the Ghostbusters movie.

As long as it stays that way, then I would think it will continue to be received well.

by Brendan_M

14 years ago

The reason for it's “well reception” is due in part to the fact it hasn't turned into an a-typical conspiracy theory thread, and instead has actually pointed out and marginally discussed some of the Masonic imagery used in the creation of the cult used in the Ghostbusters movie.

As long as it stays that way, then I would think it will continue to be received well.

This is true. I hope more people find more imagery and come forward with it.

by Brendan_M

13 years, 9 months ago

First I just want to thank Chad for unlocking this thread, as I was never saying that 100% for sure there is a connection between the the Freemasons and the film Ghostbusters, but I do believe people are allowed to have their own thoughts. I am about to post some more coincidences between Freemasons and the film Ghostbusters. So here's a few Freemason imagery used in the film:

Satanic Pentagram (During shock scene)

Illuminati Pyramid (featured in two scenes)

Masonic Checkerboard Black/White (On the cab when Peter arrives at Dana's the second time)

Lady in Red - Satan's Servant (the costume Dana is wearing when possessed)

Connecting ideas/themes both freemasons and Ghostbusters apply:

Mason believe in Mind control/demon possession: This could be applied to when Peter has Dana in her bed talking, being possessed or having a type of mind control being used by Zuul.

Cut to when the Ghostbusters are in jail. They discuss how Dana’s building used as a huge super conductive antenna in order to conduct spiritual turbulence…

Sadly this is what the freemasons believe in. They believe that architecture and energy are in fact connected to one another. To understand why things are built the way they are, you have to be opened indeed to the concept of energy. Several architectural monuments are designed for the specifically reason of channeling energy. However, none of this cannot be done without performing actions and rituals.

Example: Mosques, churches, and synagogues are structured to bring down positive energy.

Cut back to the Ghostbusters in jail. Egon specifically states bizarre rituals were preformed to bring on the end of the world.

As I said at the begging of this post, this is NOT 100% proof that Freemasons and Ghostbusters are connected, but just very, very, very strange coincidences.

by Nix

13 years, 9 months ago


1: What? Satanic pentagram? No, that's just the Lone Star of (CLAP-CLAP) Texas.Peter Venkman

2: OK, I agree with you.

3: A Masonic “checkerboard?” It's certainly a new one on me.

4: The “Lady in Red?” Are you channeling Chris de Burgh all of a sudden? Nah, that's just the cougar the doorman was talking about. smile

(And a fine cougar she is too. You'll get no argument out of me on that one.)
Seriously, now: I've been doing some reading about the Freemasons, and it looks like most of the rumors about them were in fact spread by the Catholic Church (Not bashing on the Catholics, now–they're fine, fine people) because they believed that the Freemasons were undermining their authority or something.

My line of reasoning is this: the Knights of Columbus is for all intents and purposes the Catholic version of the Freemasons. This too is based on what I've read.

Back, though, to Ghostbusters: I have a theory about Shandor. In my mind, he was a Freemason in his younger days, but they kicked him out when he got too high-falutin' for them. He formed his own cult, built his New York monuments (as well as the Veg-O-Fortress Shandor Island, if the video game is considered), and…well, you know the rest.