Ghost Trap for sale amongst other items

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 6 months ago

Hey folks,

gotta pay some bills and all that so I've got a few items up on ebay for sale

items for sale are:

MultiMediaMayhem Ghost Trap, complete with opening doors (by hand) lights both by the switch, scroll bar at the front, and a puck inside for trapping effect. Very VERY sturdy, comes with trap cord and belt holster!

Paper Mario (N64) game & Official Nintendo Walkthrough

Pokemon Stadium (N64) game & Official Nintendo Guide

Huge Sims 2 lot, including the game itself and almost all expansions and stuff sets

American McGee's Alice with Clive Barker's Undying, very spooky atmospheric games

Power Rangers: Super Legends (DS) a fun side-scroller beat-em up

The Legend of Dragoon (PS1) a classic 3d RPG