Ghostbuster 3 news!! 2009!!

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Yes i met him haha

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

While it’s cool that you got an opportunity to meet Dan himself (something I am quite jealously of in fact) I think you made your point in your second thread. The point could have also been made in the original thread by post a reply in or editing one of your previous entries in…instead of making 2 new threads on the subject….

by rodie1

16 years ago

Awesome you got to meet him! A shame about GB3. Did he say what happened? It seemed like it would be difficult to get all parties on board. Where did you get to meet him?

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

! haaa:-)

by slimer3881

16 years ago

what exactly did he say about the 3rd movie? did he just bluntly say “no GB3 but theres a game!”,

In wishful thinking, perhaps he's keeping ‘The Office writers’ thing on the down low incase it doesnt get off the ground. Usually thats what people do when movie's arnt greenlit yet. but im pretty sure with all the crap Sony's putting out thats GB-related, its bound to fill their wallets enough for them to want to put Dan and co to work. Again, thats just assumption wishful thinking.

by rodie1

16 years ago

Yeah but in the past Dan has been saying it would be made or that they are looking into it (CGI GB3) when there wasn't much to back it up. I'm thinking they couldn't agree on the script, or (perhaps more likely) money.

by slimer3881

16 years ago

well its too early, to really know. scripts take a few months to finish, hell, it took the first GB about 2 years to get written. and they started writing it, about what? 3 or so months ago? i mean, Dan is telling him the truth about ‘no GB3’ as of now, but when the script is finished, then its a ‘maybe’.

by PirateQueen

16 years ago

Did you meet him in a liquor store?

by RickyM

16 years ago

i wonder if he likes it when people mistakingly call him ray instead of dan, like i would, i no him as ray my whole life lol

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

Sorry Pal I'm not buying it one bit!