Ghostbuster 3 news!! 2009!!

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

Why don't you read the Proof Information about Ghostbusters 3 and then you can say that you made it up because you are making it up!

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135157
Why don't you read the Proof Information about Ghostbusters 3 and then you can say that you made it up because you are making it up!

lol ok… in denial

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

lol ok… in denial

DUDE! Don't you know that the IMDB knows all?! The IMDB says 2010! 2010 is what the IMDB says and it would not lie and neither would Ghostbusters3willrock! You're the liar, not him. He doesn't lie, you lie! You're a jerk for calling him a liar! And you will feel like a fool in 2010 cuz that's when the IMDB says Ghostbusters 3 will be here.


by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135159
DUDE! Don't you know that the IMDB knows all?! The IMDB says 2010! 2010 is what the IMDB says and it would not lie and neither would Ghostbusters3willrock! You're the liar, not him. He doesn't lie, you lie! You're a jerk for calling him a liar! And you will feel like a fool in 2010 cuz that's when the IMDB says Ghostbusters 3 will be here.


Get a life loser LOL

by rodie1

16 years ago

Looks like his ban expired again… Why don't they just permanently ban the dude?

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago


by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

LOL when was the last time u had pussy?? worried bout bannin me? get a fuckin life too….:-)

Relax, neither Doctor Venkman or Rodie were directing their comments at you. They were directing them at Patrick / Ghostbusters3will.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Get a life loser LOL

Apparently someone doesn't understand the tag … (it means I'm being sarcastic… get it? like “turning off the sarcasm”?) I was making fun of Ghostbusters3willrock, not you.

LOL when was the last time u had pussy?? worried bout bannin me? get a fuckin life too….:-)

As was he. Though I hardly see how anyone making a comment on a message board has to do with “the last time they had pussy”.

Try paying attention instead of waiting for the first response you can get to jump down everyone's throat.

We were backing you up here, dude. We were making fun of Ghostbusters3willrock… and that should've been pretty obvious.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

I'm a liar, Your a liar because you guys doesn't know Jack-shit! Fuck all of you assholes on this board! I got a life you assholes don't so Fuck all of you assholes. In 2010 you will feel like an ass because the Imdb doesn';t lie and neither do I so in 2010 I will be laughing very hard in your faces because I'm telling you the truth and you guys will remain an asshole when GB3 comes. I'm a looser your a fucking looser! You go get some Pussy I already got some you fucking fag!

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135164
Apparently someone doesn't understand the tag … (it means I'm being sarcastic… get it? like “turning off the sarcasm”?) I was making fun of Ghostbusters3willrock, not you.

As was he. Though I hardly see how anyone making a comment on a message board has to do with “the last time they had pussy”.

Try paying attention instead of waiting for the first response you can get to jump down everyone's throat.

We were backing you up here, dude. We were making fun of Ghostbusters3willrock… and that should've been pretty obvious.

im sorrry….