Ghostbuster 3 news!! 2009!!

by rodie1

16 years ago

Wow this thread makes my brain hurt.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

DUDE! Don't you know that the IMDB knows all?! The IMDB says 2010! 2010 is what the IMDB says and it would not lie and neither would Ghostbusters3willrock! You're the liar, not him. He doesn't lie, you lie! You're a jerk for calling him a liar! And you will feel like a fool in 2010 cuz that's when the IMDB says Ghostbusters 3 will be here.

I'm a liar, Your a liar because you guys doesn't know Jack-shit! Fuck all of you assholes on this board! I got a life you assholes don't so Fuck all of you assholes. In 2010 you will feel like an ass because the Imdb doesn';t lie and neither do I so in 2010 I will be laughing very hard in your faces because I'm telling you the truth and you guys will remain an asshole when GB3 comes. I'm a looser your a fucking looser! You go get some Pussy I already got some you fucking fag!

Eerily similar aren't they?

I removed the names… and if you didn't look back in the thread, I bet you wouldn't be able to tell that both of these posts weren't written by Ghostbusters3willrock.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135166
I'm a liar, Your a liar because you guys doesn't know Jack-shit! Fuck all of you assholes on this board! I got a life you assholes don't so Fuck all of you assholes. In 2010 you will feel like an ass because the Imdb doesn';t lie and neither do I so in 2010 I will be laughing very hard in your faces because I'm telling you the truth and you guys will remain an asshole when GB3 comes. I'm a looser your a fucking looser! You go get some Pussy I already got some you fucking fag!

Honestly, if you hate us all so much because we don't blindly agree with you, why are you still here? No one here likes you or thinks you add anything positive, and you don't like anyone here and think we're all liars and assholes. So why stay? Just to troll the boards and be annoying?

And the hilarious part is the pussy comment wasn't even directed at you! LOL.

I bolded the only important part so that everyone doesn't need to read your drivel to get the gist.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

Whatever your a stupid retard like these other fags on this board. You belive everything what they say and you don't belive me, well I'm Straight and your not so all of you are fags and showoffs!

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

Get a Life!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135174
Whatever your a stupid retard like these other fags on this board. You belive everything what they say and you don't belive me, well I'm Straight and your not so all of you are fags and showoffs!

Ah yes. I forgot how not believing everything I read on IMDB and thinking for myself and making my own decisions made me gay.

by ReplicaterZ

16 years ago

Someone should throw his ass in the containment unit!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135175
Get a Life!

No! You get a life!

You big mean jerkhead! You'll see in 2010 and I'll be laughing in your face while you cry over the fact that you're now gay because you were wrong!

Doo doo head!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135166
F-bomb repeatedly. End Argument.

Now that I've narrowed down your issues I can properly respond.

Why? What did this add to your argument? Why did you even assume that this thread was an attack on your position? And how would a face-to-face conversation with Dan himself be less authoritative than your precious IMDB?

by TheStrikeTeam21

16 years ago

If the movie isn't happening, maybe it's for the best. The game/s will help continue the story and still keep the original characters looking like themselves. Something tells me if it is not happening, there were probably creative differences between the studio and the old crew. Who knows what the writers wanted to do and who they wanted to cast. Probably wanted to turn the movie into one giant stoner joke with overdone CGI and flavor of the month actors.