Ghostbuster 3 news!! 2009!!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

If the movie isn't happening, maybe it's for the best. The game/s will help continue the story and still keep the original characters looking like themselves. Something tells me if it is not happening, there were probably creative differences between the studio and the old crew. Who knows what the writers wanted to do and who they wanted to cast. Probably wanted to turn the movie into one giant stoner joke with overdone CGI and flavor of the month actors.

While I agree with your initial point, even though nothing is definite either way right now… it could still happen, or it could not… I will NEVER understand why so many people seem to think that any writers would ever try to turn Ghostbusters into a stoner comedy.

by ReplicaterZ

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135178
No! You get a life!

You big mean jerkhead! You'll see in 2010 and I'll be laughing in your face while you cry over the fact that you're now gay because you were wrong!

Doo doo head!

LOL, He called him a Jerkhead, LOL:-O

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

LOL, He called him a Jerhead, LOL:-O

It felt like the thing a heterosexual would do… so I gave it a shot.


by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135185
It felt like the thing a heterosexual would do… so I gave it a shot.


Going with your gut reaction. I like it.

by TheStrikeTeam21

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135183
While I agree with your initial point, even though nothing is definite either way right now… it could still happen, or it could not… I will NEVER understand why so many people seem to think that any writers would ever try to turn Ghostbusters into a stoner comedy.

The reason I think this is because in the eyes of most hollywood producers, writers, studios…they have seen stoner comedies sell over the past few years. Being the brilliant minds that they are, they figure….old school Ghostbusters + new school stoner fad=$$$. Just look at what happened with Friday the 13th. While the originals had mild drugs because, hey it was the 80's. This new one took it to a level of overkill. When you ask teenagers of today what's the best comedy…it's a toss up between Pinapple
Express or Superbad.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

I'm NOT GAY!!!! I have a Girlfriend!!!! Your gay as hell because you don't have the right Information and I just opened up a new webpage with the GB3 Imdb Info. and see I told all of you jerks that the guy is a liar and I'm right because the Imdb doesn't lie and neither do I! I'm laughing in your face! HA! HA! HA!

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years ago

Now how does it feel? You think that you know everything well you don't I know everything because I read the right Information!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135190
I'm NOT GAY!!!! I have a Girlfriend!!!! Your gay as hell because you don't have the right Information and I just opened up a new webpage with the GB3 Imdb Info. and see I told all of you jerks that the guy is a liar and I'm right because the Imdb doesn't lie and neither do I! I'm laughing in your face! HA! HA! HA!

But I spoke like you! That's supposed to make me heterosexual! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;135190
I'm NOT GAY!!!! I have a Girlfriend!!!! Your gay as hell because you don't have the right Information…

GB3 talk aside. Do you understand the absurdity of these two statements back-to-back?

by devilmanozzy1

16 years ago

Ok, now i'm going to ask one more time…… no wait…… Please ignore the posts Ghostbusters3will rock does and focus on the question at hand.

Confirm what you know from Dan on a possible Ghostbusters III.

Does he comment on the writers? Is a actor or sony the problem?