Ghostbuster Pozers

by Sp9543

16 years, 4 months ago

We just have to understand that it comes with the territory. We all want new merch, clothes, movies, cartoons, etc. But for those things to happen, Ghostbusters has to be marketed to a mass audience i.e Pozer and his/her Pozerians. With that said just be thankful we are getting some new exciting things to spend our money on and try to understand this trade off.

Accordingly, Pozers aren't going to make you like Ghostbusters any less, so don't worry about 'em.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman
New fans are fine. I think what people are worried about is the people who are going to claim they've been fans for forever, and are the biggest GB fan ever and bla bla bla.

I also worry about all of the newbies coming in and not reading existing topics and the board being flooded by all these repeat topics. I think that's the general worry that most people have, not that we'll have new fans.
Thats basically what we're talking about, really.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 4 months ago

Why should anyone care if there might actually be someone out there that would take pride in pretending to be a life-long hardcoar Ghosthead. It's sad that some of you are actually worried that one of them might encroach on your “well-earned” elitist mentality as established Ghostheads.

No matter how much you want to think otherwise, being a long-term Ghostbusters fan is nothing to be proud of! Repeat topics will be removed. Their grandstanding won't get them very far, and their ignorance will be self-evident. Their presence won't have any significant impact on any of you in any way at all.

In short, don't worry about it.

Should you find one of them exposing their ignorance, and make themselves poised to be called out on being a “poser”, just let it go. Don't correct them. Don't harass them about it. Let them be in their state of delusional ignorance, and leave it at that. Let them figure it out on their own. If they want to be hardcore about anything, then they should realize that it isn't going to happen overnight.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler Wrote:
No matter how much you want to think otherwise, being a long-term Ghostbusters fan is nothing to be proud of!

*I agree with you everywhere else but here…Am I like suppossed to start walking around like a leper from now on just because I just happen to be and have been a GB nut since age 4? (*egon) …

*Note the sarcasm (*peter) …

*Not looking for a cookie here, but jeez (*egon) …


by AdamBestler

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler Wrote:
No matter how much you want to think otherwise, being a long-term Ghostbusters fan is nothing to be proud of!

*I agree with you everywhere else but here…Am I like suppossed to start walking around like a leper from now on just because I just happen to be and have been a GB nut since age 4? (*egon) …

*Note the sarcasm (*peter) …

*Not looking for a cookie here, but jeez (*egon) …


You can be a little proud of the fact that you have been devoted to your chosen fanaticism. I think it becomes a problem when you start looking at it like it's a big accomplishment. Worrying about whom is the bigger fan amounts to nothing more than arrogance.

Ghostbusters is nothing new. It's been around for most our lives. Everyone knows about it. With the exception of this community, nobody else really cares about it. It's nothing special to be a Ghostbusters fan. It's a classic movie that become an overgrown marketing engine no different from George Lucas and the like. Get over yourselves.

by Ectoman57

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler
Adam Bestler Wrote:
Ghostbusters is nothing new. It's been around for most our lives. Everyone knows about it. With the exception of this community, nobody else really cares about it. It's nothing special to be a Ghostbusters fan. It's a classic movie that become an overgrown marketing engine no different from George Lucas and the like. Get over yourselves.

um, no i wont get over myself, im not talking about goin on a rampage, im talking about how these new fans annoy us REAL fans, idk how things are where u live but when i see pozers they alwyas go all out to “prove themselves”. its moronic and it bugs the hell out of me since ghostbusters has been my favorite thing since i was 2.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 4 months ago

Adam Bestler Wrote:
You can be a little proud of the fact that you have been devoted to your chosen fanaticism. I think it becomes a problem when you start looking at it like it's a big accomplishment. Worrying about whom is the bigger fan amounts to nothing more than arrogance.

Ghostbusters is nothing new. It's been around for most our lives. Everyone knows about it. With the exception of this community, nobody else really cares about it. It's nothing special to be a Ghostbusters fan. It's a classic movie that become an overgrown marketing engine no different from George Lucas and the like. Get over yourselves.

Ectoman57 Wrote:
um, no i wont get over myself, im not talking about goin on a rampage, im talking about how these new fans annoy us REAL fans, idk how things are where u live but when i see pozers they alwyas go all out to “prove themselves”. its moronic and it bugs the hell out of me since ghostbusters has been my favorite thing since i was 2.


*I'm with Ectoman…No one said this is any sort of “accomplishment”…No one is looking for any medals…However I've been ridiculed my whole life because I'm a devoted GB fan…Most people shake their heads…From the earliest “Ghostbusters sucks man” in Elementary School, to the looks I get from so-called “close freinds” or ex-co-workers when I “waxed nerdy” reguarding GB from time to time…And the thought of seeing the same people all of a sudden turn around and act like they've been into it all along, and try and collect “brownie-points” from it frankly disgusts me…

*Having said that, what I think most of us are trying to get at here is the influx of so-called “noobs” that come here and present themselves as *insert-diety-of-your-choice-here*'s gift to Ghostbusters fandom will become the “norm”, and will inundate the board with all the "look at me and the stuff I know“ posts or the ”Why is this…" posts even though there was at least 5 posts on the subject already, and they were too lazy or self-absorbed to look to see if it had been covered already …

*Such as the guy who keeps touting a “GBIII CGI Trailer” at Comicon, or the other new guy on here ranting about the Rick Moranis thing…

*For those of us here, and myself included, who hold this “overgrown marketing engine” as you put it close to our hearts, we don't want to see it flooded with people who could give less of two s*its and a flying f*ck about said franchise, other than because it's “the latest fad” at the moment…

*And lastly, if that's all you see this franchise as, the again “overgrown marketing engine” as you put it, then why are you here? Not saying that I'm any bigger of a fan then you, but if you look so down on it yourself, and the state of the franchise as-is like it's a “shamefull secret fetish” you dare not tell anybody about that you're apart of, then why do you even bother coming to the boards and announce yourself in the first place? Shouldn't you have just bought the movie, watched it once, and let it collect dust on your shelf like 80% of the moronic public if that's how you've felt all along about it?

*We may not look at ourselves as “special” because of the franchise but this franchise itself is special to us [and we would like to keep it that way]…Otherwise NONE of us would be here, nor would it exist…


by AdamBestler

16 years, 4 months ago

I feel like such a poser now. :-)


16 years, 4 months ago

I've been coming to this site for years but I didn't commit to registering
until the game was announced in November. So does that mean that Im a poser because I watched from a distance and didn't choose to announce myself ?

I've been cruising Ghostbusters sites since about 1995 and Ghostbusters is the first movie I ever saw. Newbs are annoying, Yes. But the beautiful thing about newbs are that they revitalize our franchise. If it weren't for the possibility of newbs we wouldn't get anything new.

Hell , the only reason we're getting this is because Sony pictures is hoping it'll catch on like it did in the summer of 84 all over again. And as hard as it is to admit, The hardcore fans will never be the ones that move things like this forward.

So in our rush to slam people new to the franchise , we risk acting like newbs ourselves by not embracing them. It's a fact that because
of them , we get what we want. If they show up here as you believe they will, I will welcome them and take it easy on their knowledge of the Movies.

Because what I want more than anything is for Ghostbusters fandom to become like Star Wars to the point that we get new stuff all the time. To
me , thats more important than whos been here the longest. (*winston)

by Ectofiend

16 years, 4 months ago

*No no no…You're getting me all wrong here…And I should've clerifyed:

- I welcome new fans - Just not the ones who are into it for the
wrong reasons

*Make more sense now? (*peter)…
