Ghostbuster Pozers

by AdamBestler

16 years, 4 months ago

I should probably elaborate on my comment regarding merchandise/George Lucas. I hate it when a movie becomes so popular that it spawns a whole line of tiny plastic statues and other little trinkets that are covered with imagery from the movies/cartoons. I hate it when they package it, patent it, and sell it. I hate big businesses. I hate big businessmen. That's my bias. Take it or leave it, but I know I'm not alone when I say that Ghostbusters would've been better off if it hadn't sold out so badly.

At the same time, you don't see Ecto Coolers sitting on shelves when you go shopping for groceries. It's called Orange Lavaburst now. You don't see Ghostbusters-themed lunch boxes, cereals, toothpaste, shampoo, tampons, et cetera et cetera. I think things are much better here in the present. Ghostbusters is a lot better as a retrospective example of pop culture. It's like the dusty NES sitting on my shelf. It's still around. It still sort of works, but its time has long since passed. I think Ghostbusters is exactly where it should be right now. The corporate swine have long since finished eating from that particular trough. I just hope that the video game won't bring about a second wave of that type of money-grubbing insanity.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 3 months ago

Adam Bestler
At the same time, you don't see Ecto Coolers sitting on shelves when you go shopping for groceries. It's called Orange Lavaburst now. You don't see Ghostbusters-themed lunch boxes, cereals, toothpaste, shampoo, tampons, et cetera et cetera.

Actually, Orange Lava-Burst isn't Ecto Cooler. It was shoutn' orange tangerine green which was renamed Crazy Citrus Cooler. Unfortunately it's discounted.

And to be fair, they did sell cereal, lunch boxes and toothpaste back in it's day. But I don't want it to get over merchandised like Star Wars has now become. I've lost all respect I have for the franchise after that, not to mention all the sequels, and another coming soon.

I agree 100% with the whole “fad” thing. Right now, there's a huge fad in retro things, and the only real reason people wear shirts with logos from old cartoons is because it's a fad now. One of my sub teachers (who was like 30) commented on one of the students thundercats shirt…the student didn't even know what the show was. (*egon)

I buy these kind of shirts, because I like the show or movie that's on them, not because it's old and it's considered “cool” to wear them, which is probably what a lot of people are fearing when the game comes out…newbies who know shit about the movies and are only here because it's “in”.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 3 months ago

Ya know, somehow I get the feeling that Ecto Cooler will make a comeback . . . I actually wouldn't mind that too much.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 3 months ago

Peter Venkmen Wrote:
I agree 100% with the whole “fad” thing. Right now, there's a huge fad in retro things, and the only real reason people wear shirts with logos from old cartoons is because it's a fad now. One of my sub teachers (who was like 30) commented on one of the students thundercats shirt…the student didn't even know what the show was.

*See? - It's that type of shit that burns my nuts :-@ …


by Chad

16 years, 3 months ago

now little kids are really the only exception but i was curious how everyone else feels about this.

Why worry? It's always good to get some potential new fans who were introduced into the GB world by the game and found themselves here.

Agreed, and there will be plenty of new reasons to welcome and collaborate with new ghostheads here in just a few weeks. (*_*)

by GBoutcast83

16 years, 3 months ago

hi guys, i've been checkin this site for years, but never felt complelled to post till i read this thread. Usually when people try to jump into a fad to try and impress people, they always make a fool of themselves, while the people that have been in the trenches for said “fad” ( cause it ain't a fad to us!) simply mark another notch on the noob belt, and they always find something else to mark out to in a month or two later anyway. besides adam, i'm 25, and i grew up with the GB's, and i proud of that fact. it something that connects me with millions of other people all around the world. someone sees my GB tat, and it gives them something to connect with me on. when noobs that just want to show off jump on here, just go about your daily routine. the noobs that are truly into the franchise will read, and when needed, ask a question or two. and in the end, hopefully we'll gain some new fans, and some of the fair weather fans will be reminded of what made them like Ghostbusters in the first place. later guys!

by bigtwinkie1

16 years, 3 months ago

Even though I'm pretty new around here myself, I thought I'd put in my 2 cents.

I've been watching Ghostbusters since as far back as I can remember. Grew up with the cartoon, toys, the whole nine. I even built a simple proton pack for halloween my senior year of high school. (I lost that costume contest, which still ticks me off even though to this day I still hear "Hey, remember that time you built a proton pack for halloween? That was pretty cool) I never knew there was a community for all of us.

All I'm saying maybe there are still some long time fans out there that just don't know these places exist. Maybe it takes the game coming out and all that other jazz to get them looking for this stuff on the internet and find a new home here.

I'm not saying that it won't bring douche teenagers who have nothing better to do than shout obscenities and insults just to get a rise out of people. But come on people, its the internet. No where is safe.

You never know, this whole thing could bring the next big contributor to the site.

by misfit1

16 years, 3 months ago

Newbs are newbs, everyone was one once. Get over it.

Idiots on the other hand…Well, thats why we have The Legend himself.

by GBoutcast83

16 years, 3 months ago

totally agree with ya misfit.

by ajquick1

16 years, 3 months ago

Agreed, and there will be plenty of new reasons to welcome and collaborate with new ghostheads here in just a few weeks. (*_*)

Yeah! Ghostbuters Fans rocks!

You go girl.