Ghostbuster Profile Ranks

by SpecterHarness

22 years, 1 month ago

Junior Ghostbuster, Senior, Regular…

I thought those were so cool! When I first joined, I saw all the people who were working through the ranks, and I thought “Wow! If I became as active as these guys, I'd be a top rank dude in no time.”

The ranks motivated the community to respond even when there was nothing to respond to. I would personally like to see that come back.. How bout you all? I know it's nothing major like the chat or anything. But it's something I liked, and I wanted to speak out for it.

by Slimer316

22 years, 1 month ago

Responding when there was nothing to respond to was much of the problem. Many people would make crap posts just to move up in rank. With all due respect to your opinion, I think rank should stay dead.

by SpecterHarness

22 years, 1 month ago

Well, crap posts get deleted from what I've seen. So I think most people would have the common decency to post something that has actual GB related stuff. But I don't see the rank coming back out unless GBN starts to slow down. But with Red Ketchup runnin round. We'll be quite busy. But I liked it anyway and I wanna see it come back. smile

by Zack

22 years, 1 month ago

Well, crap posts get deleted from what I've seen. So I think most people would have the common decency to post something that has actual GB related stuff

You'd think so but no. There were way too many problems created by rank such as having to delete unneccessary “pointless” posts to go up in rank. It creates more work for the moderators and becomes an annoyance to read because you can tell when someone is trying to go up in rank. Such as moderators having to delete 800 posts from the same member that say “hi”.

There is no real status in it and people tried to obtain it quickly which really elimated the purpose(there was a purpose?) People create junk posts to try and make it to senior GB really fast(as if it earns them any respect once they get there) so in short, or maybe not so short, rank is dead for all the right reasons. It is pathetic and a real annoyance to watch someone try and do it and creates more work there shouldn't be. yikes


by SpecterHarness

22 years, 1 month ago

Oh, well my bad. Re-reading this, my post sounded really odd. But I just want to let ya'll know I did it for the right reasons. It was something I enjoyed, but seeing the problems behind all the glamor of just seeing “SpecterHarness, Ghostbuster” was just one of those things I really enjoyed.

Sorry… :f :u

But I'm glad I know the facts now. I hope this ain't gonna go under crap post. LOL

So now I leave this post, dead and unwanted to serve as a reminder and a warning that I ain't fond of the slackers who wrote the “Hi” posts. That just makes me soooo mad…..

Okay, lost the happy, the happy's back! :d :s

by Zack

22 years, 1 month ago

lol wink not you of course. :d just a few people ruined it for everyone I guess. I know what ya mean. Some people just weren't mature enough to handle it and tried to get out of the Junior GB status as quickly as possible. It was seen too much of a thing of real status or a way to gain respect. :u


by GBFreak

22 years, 1 month ago

I'm also glad to see the Rank Dead. There are no stupid posts and no one is accusing anyone of posting just so they could get their rank up.

by Specter

22 years, 1 month ago

wink Yep, crap posts were the reason

by LordVego

22 years, 1 month ago

zack i remember you were definitly one of the people who wanted to become a senior gb just to look cool…remember your drawings wink