Ghostbuster Prop Sale

by GhosbusterFan

21 years, 7 months ago

UPDATE: Only Giga Meter sold. All other items still available, willing to take offers!

by egonstats

21 years, 7 months ago

yo dave I live in de too we've talked a couple times how much will it take for you to part with your proton pack with the lights sinse we're in the same state i know it won't cost that much for s/h but you never know i'll send you an e-mail but i'd really like to get that pack and what size is you flight suit? if it's large or xl tell me how much you want for that alright i'll drop you a line i think i'd be willing to give you about 250-320$ for the packa dn about 50$ for the suit

egonstats (gb props egonstantz)

by GhosbusterFan

21 years, 7 months ago

:O … ^ you must be joking, ha, thats a good one, ya get it, he made a funny! haha…

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 7 months ago

There's no way he'd let you give him $200 for that pack… don't be cheap man. At least $500 worth of work went in to that. Anyway, about me buying a trap from you for $200, I'm running a bit short on cash this month, so I was wondering if at all possible, if I would be able to pay you $100 this month, and $100 next month. If not, I'll wait til' next month to buy one. AIM/E-Mail me to let me know.

by GhosbusterFan

21 years, 7 months ago

No problem Vinz! By the way anyone else who is interested in having my friend and i build them a trap shoot me an email:

by slimerboy

21 years, 7 months ago

do you still have the ecto goggles?

by GhosbusterFan

21 years, 7 months ago

A pair of goggles are still available.

by slimerboy

21 years, 7 months ago

do you have pics and how much are they?

by GhosbusterFan

21 years, 7 months ago

UPDATE: Ok these are the items that have been sold as of right now. Proton Pack, Ghost Trap, Uniform, 1 pair of Goggles, and the Giga Meter.

by JetttheGB

21 years, 7 months ago

Hi there, if you could e-mail me with pics and what you would accept for what you have left, please let me know at, thanks.