Ghostbuster returns to theaters next month

by VigotheCarpathian

13 years, 5 months ago

yup thats right straight from the ghostbusters facebook page no other info is know right now though

Alright, Ghostbusters fans. It’s time to get your cats and dogs together and prepare for mass hysteria: This October, for the first time in over 25 years, the original and unforgettable Ghostbusters makes its triumphant return to theaters!

by batman2

13 years, 5 months ago

If you have only ever seen it on TV then you are in for a treat, it was the first film I ever saw on the big screen.!/StayPuft4Eva

by slimelord1

13 years, 5 months ago

Awesome, if it's playing anywhere near me I'll definitely go see it.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 5 months ago

call me when we know WHERE exactly it's playing

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 5 months ago

I'm sure this will play somewhere in Pennsylvania… and when it does, I'M THERE!

by mrpecker2

13 years, 5 months ago

I would rather an original 35 mm print like the one I saw a few months back at the local independent theater, but I'll takes what I can gets.

Sony has once again found a new way to sucker more money out of me…

by venky1

13 years, 5 months ago

“ Sadly, this one’s restricted to the UK only, and isn’t being backed by Sony itself, else a wider release might happen. ”

Hoping that's not true.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 5 months ago


“ Sadly, this one’s restricted to the UK only, and isn’t being backed by Sony itself, else a wider release might happen. ”

Hoping that's not true.

I originally found out about the Ghostbusters coming back to theaters on the Facebook page(the one with the most fans, but I'm not certain that it's the official one). Surely there's enough interest out there to warrant giving the film a wide release in the US, particularly around Halloween. If this isn't official, can't we contact Sony and get a petition going or something? The video game was a hit, wasn't it? So how can there be any doubts that the original classic wouldn't make good money in the cinemas?

by mrpecker2

13 years, 5 months ago

I'm not sure why people keep referring to the “official” facebook page.(is it really an “Official” page, anyway?…)

Here's the link to the company that's actually releasing it. They handle this kind of thing all the time. smile

Not much info, but it does confrim that it IS worldwide. The only problem may be that you'll have to drive hours away to see it. I doubt it's getting the kind of re-release that ET, The Exorcist, Alien, etc received.

by RoastedZuul

13 years, 5 months ago

Not much info, but it does confrim that it IS worldwide. The only problem may be that you'll have to drive hours away to see it. I doubt it's getting the kind of re-release that ET, The Exorcist, Alien, etc received.
Ok with me..I gotta drive 30 mi. round trip to a decent theater, anyway. And I guess I'm giving out free publicity as I'll go in full gear..