Ghostbuster returns to theaters next month

by GB3

13 years, 4 months ago

Hey all,

This is my first post in over a year since I joined. Everytime it approaches this time of year I get back ‘into’ Ghostbusters and often start reading trivia, watching trailers and then finally digging out the DVDs. This year the theatrical re-release has made it even more special.

Question for those who have seen this already:

Is it the same transfer as the DVD from 2005, the Blu-ray or an entirely different one? I haven't watched the Blu-ray version properly still as I did not like what I read about the transfer. I am just wondering if it is the same Blu-ray transfer whether all the problems are noticeable in the theater or not. Also if it is indeed the Blu-ray version, do you think I will enjoy seeing it for the first time in a theater?

I would think that ain't even the transfer from the 2005 dvds because those ones had its flaws from aspect ratio and recolored/slightly altered special effects. Fans cried over this dvd release. I didn't get those ones, I just stuck to the original 1999 dvds. Can't believe there maybe some issues with the blu ray. Think that would be better.

by venky1

13 years, 4 months ago

Second time on the big screen last night. Loved it just as much, and I find it amazing that such a thing can happen since I've been watching this movie for as long as I can remember.

I also found myself watching the background more, and noticed 3 things that had me dying of laughter while everyone else was quiet:

The maid when she tries to put out the flaming bath tissue with her spray bottle of cleaning fluid.

Janine poking her head out from behind the file cabinets during Peck and Peter's first interaction.

Pretty much anything Vinz does during the scene where Peck comes to shut down the Protection Grid.

Love how I can still find new things to laugh at after all this time, and still be able to laugh at the stuff I've already seen dozens of times.

Hope everyone else got to see it and enjoyed it as much as me!

by jettajeffro

13 years, 4 months ago

Some theaters are showing it on Halloween now so some might have one more chance to see it this month.

by ghostbuster_x1

13 years, 4 months ago


I just went to see it. This is the BEST I feel this movie has EVER looked. This stomps on the laserdisc, DVD and the Blu-ray.

The transfer to me looked like the blu-ray should have looked. I didn't see digital noise, the contrast/brightness issues as seen on the blu-ray. This movie looked simply perfect.

I looked very hard to see the imperfections, even in the visual effects which I can see noticeably in the DVD and Blu-ray and I couldn't see the matte lines around the buildings which were extended with matte paintings. So this must be a new transfer because it just looked better than the blu-ray and the dvd versions currently available. Maybe I'm wrong, but my cinema had this set-up perfectly right because I could not see anything wrong with it even though I was looking for it. I am usually very fickle about how movies should look, especially my all time favourites.

If this is a BRAND NEW remaster then PLEASE, PLEASE Sony release this again in Blu-ray it is definitely worth replacing the previous release.

by Reapergb

13 years, 4 months ago

Anyone going tomorrow night to the Silver City polo park in Winnipeg?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

13 years, 4 months ago

Just got back from seeing it again (in costume) with two other guys from GBFans.

Holy shit… again.

by batman2

13 years, 4 months ago

Just got back from seeing it again (in costume) with two other guys from GBFans.

Holy shit… again.

I just seen my local Cinema here is showing Ghostbusters everyday all week 3 times a day, might pop down tomorrow as it's my day off.

So seen it on the big screen 30 times in 1984 what's one more time hey? even though I have my own home theater setup with projector and screen in bedroom and 7.1 sound system.

by matthew1

13 years, 4 months ago

Saw it in Londons bfi Imax last night. Film was pretty grainy which is understandable. I also noticed slight motion blur in places. The sound was great though and the huge screen allowed me to notice things in the movie which I'd not previously been able to see on television. The audience was great, mainly 30-somethings, many wearing Ghostbusters t shirts. There was laughter from beginning to end and a big round of applause when the film finished. I really enjoyed it. It was the first time I've been able to see it on the silver screen in 27 years and I felt as though I was in 1984 all over again, if only for a little while.

The experience really highlighted for me the importance of character, dialogue and story over special effects. They just don't make films like this anymore. Film makers could learn alot from Ghostbusters.

by louie1

13 years, 4 months ago

Saw it twice… on 10/17 and 10/31 at AMC in Pittsburgh, both showings I'd say were 3/4 full.

Anyone see the message on the GB Facebook page little bit ago? It says the mayor called and needs us back at ciry hall.