Egon, Peter, and the heart of the Ghostbusters Ray, are back for download. The Heads were created to look exactly like Egon, Peter and Ray from the Movie (Not the cartoon project that was worked on years back). It's come to my attention that alot of people still want the skins (shock). Kingpin informed me he was approached several times and I was approached as well. So I hit the project and created the sims, meshes, connected packs, edited packs which took about…hm…roughly 20 hours (not kidding) But here it is, hardwork for your enjoyment. They are available for download and will be around from now on. There might be a winston sometime in the future but I don't know, I mean this isn't something I wanted to ressurect really…so it's kinda like I did it and that's it…open and shut project. So everyone still wanting sims, here they are, you can get them from this website “NOT….US”“bunnyears ain't got nuthin on us”