Ghostbuster uniform

by Ponyboy

14 years, 12 months ago

Hey guys… a newbie here…

I have a flightsuit and the no ghost logo… any ideas where I can get the pistol belt used in the film? Also… does anyone know the kind of boots they used in the movie, and where I can get screen accurate black rubber gloves as well?

by Cosmic-Riptide

14 years, 12 months ago

Belt can be found here along with chemical gloves that are similar to the movie ones…

The boots were paratrooper jump boots (with a zipper on the side and without hiking treads). I'm not sure if the exact brand/model has ever been discovered, but you can typically find them at army surplus stores.(*peter)

by Ponyboy

14 years, 12 months ago

Thanks Cosmic!

by madeinsocal6

14 years, 12 months ago

If you'd like screen accurate belt fobs and a few other things check this out:CLICK ME

by Ponyboy

14 years, 12 months ago

Thanks for that… I've registered there, but it's not posting any of my posts… nor letting me PM anybody

by Kingpin

14 years, 12 months ago

A person's first post has to be approved by the Moderators, a spambot counter-measure. You're also not able to send PMs until your first post has cleared.

This should hopefully be resolved by now… what topics have you made posts in?

by Ponyboy

14 years, 12 months ago

HA! Cant remember now… I'm “TheRealPonyboy” on that forum. I guess my 1st post hasn't been cleared yet.

I much prefer the layout of this one, even though the other seems to get more traffic.

by Cosmic-Riptide

14 years, 11 months ago

I don't know about GB1 but, if you're as much of a stickler for details as I am, this is what you want to look for for accurate looking GB2 boots…

Anyway, this style with the brass zippers, and “MAXITRED” soles. …I'm not sure if these are 100% accurate, but they look like dead-ringers for the screen-used boots to me.

Unfortunately, I do not know the brand of these boots. I found this pic during an internet search some time ago, and it wasn't accompanied with any useful information.

My brother-in-law has a pair of jump boots which I'm told are identical to these save for the fact that the zippers on his are painted black. His boots were manufactured by a company called “Carolina”.

Though it seems that several boot companies put MAXITRED or “Maxi-Tred” soles on their boots… so that doesn't seem to really point to a specific brand of jump boot.

It also seems the Caroline might not produce them anymore…

There is however another company called “Corcoran” that supposedly also / still produces jump boots with Maxi-Tred soles. I have yet to do any photo comparisons though.