Ghostbusters #1 Scheduled for February...?

by CaptainNate

20 years, 3 months ago

According to Diamonds list of “NEW SERIES” in their upcoming issue (solicits for February), Ghostbusters #1 is among them.

by Kingpin

20 years, 3 months ago

Ha! If this turns out to be the true shipping date then my theory was correct!

My theory:

We all know this year's release dates have been shot to hell? My theory is that Sebastien and 88 hope to get Legion 3 and 4 out before Jan 2005, failing that, 4 in Jan 2005, they then adopt their monthly story layout, unchanged and start it in Feb 2005, maybe moving the Halloween story (It's probably a self contained story) back to October.

by divia1

20 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, well, pardon me if I dont hold my breath.
If it does indeed come out…..Great. Super. And all those cool words. But given the past delays 88MPH has faced so far(quarterly comic) I wonder if they can pull it off.

Only time will tell.


20 years, 3 months ago

I'm not giving up on 'em till the 88 site comes down. But, even if 88 does go under, we got our own little comic brewing in the GB ranks.

by Kingpin

20 years, 3 months ago

Apparantly, in contradiction to Diamond's list, Graham Crackers is stating that the series starts in January, but with a bi-monthly run…looks like we're gonna have to wait until the full story is posted on 88's site.

by divia1

20 years, 3 months ago

According to the .org Seb posted this

P.P.P.S. Late or not the comic is great, Andrew, Steve, Serge, Blond and Ed are doing an amazing job, don't penealize the whole team due to lateness. I'm working on not being late anymore.