Ghostbusters 1984 Video Store Stand-Up Display - With Photos

by PromoGuy

20 years ago

Hey GBs,

I finally got up in the attic and got down the display I mentioned in the Plush Marshmallow Man thread.

Thought you might like to see it.

Front of Display and a Bigger Hi_Res of Front

Back of Display

Flat for Shipping/Storage

Also can be seen at my Blog PromoGuy dot Net and look for the post “Dusty Ghostbusters.”

This is at least 6 feet tall, and in very good shape for the age - 20 years old!!!!

It is 3-dimensional - Slimer, the GBs, and the Apartment are all raised from the background, and the bottom part sticks out about a foot and a half from the rest.

I would think something like this is pretty rare. I do have a Higher Res image, but didn't have the bandwith to serve it up online.

Personally, I like the “Beta Hi-Fi” logo on the right. A sign of the times, yes?

It is for sale, I suppose, once I am able to determine a price. Right now, I just thought I'd show it - not many other folks would appreciate this (I know my Lady doesn't care for it!).

by oldschoolbuster

20 years ago

hello i really am interested in the standee that you have for sale drop me a e-mail if you truely want to sell it at

by slimetime1

20 years ago

me too! or pm me

by maxhavoc2000

20 years ago

man…i would love to own that but i got no where to put it.

by doctorvenkman1

20 years ago

I'm also very interested.

by gbmasterman

20 years ago

I would also like it, but I don't think he's gunna rip it up so that we each get a piece.

by oldschoolbuster

20 years ago

yeah rippin the baby up aint gonna help back to the issue EMAIL ME IM VERY INTERESTED I COLLECT STANDEES!!!(i have a smaler verison of that standee that was used in theatres and a ghostbusters two one but i really need that actual huge GB one standee
so what is your price
my e-mail is

by PromoGuy

20 years ago

I suppose the best thing to do would be to take private offers on it for 5 days.

You can just “PM” (Personal Message) me your offer.

There is also the matter of shipping, so I need to talk to the UPS Store and get some idea of packing and fees. So keep that in mind when making an offer - I will post that information when I have it.

As for payment, I don't care for PayPal, so is best, and I can ship it right away once they email me a transaction confirmation.

So, now through 10PM CT Monday, Jan. 10th 2004, just PM me your offer.

I will post (anonymous) updates of them so everyone can have a chance to counter-offer before it is over. Feel free to ask questions about the condition or anything else.

Hope that sounds fair. What do you think?

by gbmasterman

20 years ago

Would you be able to take a money order? And you live in the U.S. right?

by PromoGuy

20 years ago

Cashier's Check or Money Order are acceptable too. Yes I live in the USA, and will ship to USA or Canada (shipping may be more).

I've had trouble with international before, so I'd rather not.
