Ghostbusters 2005, is a tenative name, till I or someone else can think of a better name.
This all basicly a premise for a new show that takes place after Extreme Ghostbusters.
Its the year 2005, the Ghostbusters have become a major corporation, and have branches in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Dallas. There are LOTS of GB's now, that work at all the diffrient branches, but they are all either, researchers, scientests, feild agents, trainess, etc, etc.
Each of the four branches is run by one of the four original GB's along with one of the EXGB's, along with various other new GBs.
Egon Spengler - Runs the GB HQ in New York. He very rarely does anything in the feild anymore, but is constantly doing work on new technology and research.
Ray Stanz - Head of the GB HQ in Dallas. He mostly does and works on things of a mechanical nature. He still goes out and busts ghost if he ever feels the need to do so.
Peter Venkman - Heads up the Los Angeles HQ. Every once and awhile he likes to go out in the feild to make himself feel young again. Because he runs the HQ it reflects his personality and style, so its a bit more flashy and comercial than the other HQs.
Winston Zeddmore - Is in charge of the Chigaco based HQ. He is well versed in a variety of areas, which comes in quite handy in the feild of ghostbusting.
Janine Melnitz - Is still the secretary at the New HQ, but when needed is ready to do feild work.
Dana Barrett - Married to Peter Venkman. After marrying Peter she gave birth to a daughter.
Louis Tully - Currently/Still handles all the GB financial matters.
Oscar Wallance - Son of Dana Barrett, and stepson of Peter Venkman. He is currently a GB trainee at the LA HQ.
Eduardo Rivera - Is currently located in Los Angeles as the 2nd in command of the LA HQ, but he misses New York.
Kylie Griffin - Is still in New York at the New York based HQ. She has become highly trained and is Egon's apprentce (sp?)
Roland Jackson - Currently located at the Chicago HQ, and is also second in command. He is very versitile (sp?) when it comes to mechanics and technology. Not too long he recieved a PHD.
Garrett Millar - Is set up at the Dallas HQ with Ray, and the two of them together have created a set of bionic leg braces that allow Garrett walk (but only for a limited amount of time, they consume energy very quickly)
Slimer - Still hangs around the New York HQ, and is still the same old Slimer.
So, all the characters are back.
Dana and Louis are only cameo characters, meaning they only show up once and a rare while.
Oscar is only one of many trainees, and trainees can only become full fleged GB if they're 21, and have been a trainee a certain period of time (this rule was only established when the GBs got an overflow of employees)
Of course with any new show (or new whatever) you gotta have new characters.
Conner O'Brien - A former stand up comedian, who was looking for more of a thrill in his life, and decided to become a GB (he is a tribute to Conan O'Brien)
Christopher Fallslott - An overweight, clumsy, and somewhat dimwitted GB with a heart of gold (he is a tribute to Chris Farley)
William Princeton - A swuave and handsome former cop who left the force to to complications (he is a tribute to Will Smith)
Franky Lovell - A tough tattoo'd New Jersey punk, with a few peircings, and dred locks. (combination of two chars from GB3)
Carla Moria - A Latino beauty, but an uptight science grad, who is also a gymnast. (combination of two chars from GB3)
The new characters are only around in the HQ(s) or when needed. They arent a major focus, and are more like co-stars or supporting characters.
Of course all the characters listed come from either people or characters associated with GB3 (although I took some liberties of my own)
And then there are the bad guys.
Krad - (pronounced Krodd) He was an entity created by the Devil himself to control the minions of the Underworld. He tried to overthrow Lucifer, and take over Hell itself, but he was thrawted and banished/imprisoned (until a certain GB releases him)
Amall Gamnesh - A brilliant scientest who followed in the footsteps of Frakenstien, but study the anatomy, make up, and reanimation, of the super natrual. He was able creature several creatures of his own, and made himself a creature of the night by combining various DNA (of the super natrual) then injected himself with it, but this came with a price. His body began to tear itself apart, he had to bandage his body from head to toe. He wears a special trench coat of his own design that retains certain super natrual properties.
Say-Uss - It is said he has some relation to the entity known as The Reaper/Death. He is a skeletal figure in a tattered flowing garment. He has multiple arms in which he holds elemental (fire, water, wind, lightning, ice, earth) masks that grant him powers over the elements. The masks are also able to possess other beings, under the control of Say-Uss.
Thats all the villians Ive come up with for now.
God - Appears at the end of Season 1 in the form of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Lucifer - Creator of Krad, and the father of Damion. When Krad reappears, Lucifer sends Damion to deal with him.
Damion - Son of Lucifer and a mortal woman (who Lucifer slept with after being banished from Heaven) Dmaion my look and act young but he is actually one of the oldest and most powerful beings in existence. When his father sends him to deal with Krad, he decides to work with and help out the Ghostbusters (but unknown to everyone, Damion has made a secret deal with God himself)
That also does it for the characters as well. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on either new or returning GBs or villians, please post them.
Why continue from Extreme Ghostbusters, dont many GB fans hate XGB?
I believe I know why most fans did not like or take to XGB. Mostly it has to do with two reasons.
1) You're replacing classic and well known/loved characters with new characters who arent very well rounded, and arent seen as good enough replacements by far.
2) The show was very PC. Example you couldnt just have four average new GB's, each one had to be a reflection or some representation of a certain group or race, for instance, one was a Hispanic guy (Eduardo) the other an African-American (Roland) a goth girl (Kylie) and a handicaped guy (Garrett) It was very obvious that the characters were the way they were because of PCness, and all that stuff, or whatever.
So how do you/I avoid this? Simple, put the four orignal GB's back in the spotlight, and dont overshadow the show with new characters, or characters people dont like yet, ie dont force things, let people like those things over time and then go from there.
You say the original GBs are back in the spotlight, but wouldnt they be really/fairly old by this time?
That is true, but me and some friends are toying around with the idea of making them young again, and better than ever, one example of something we came up with was that they (the original GBs) find the fountain of youth, another idea is that they are granted youth by a god, etc, etc, we come up with diffrient theories
Although then again we could just keep them at their ages and still make them kicking ghost @$$.
You say that the original GBs will be the main focus, but then why have so many extra or new chars?
Because the 4 orginal GBs wouldnt always be able to handle things on their own, ie there may be times when there are lots of enemies, or times when diffrient characters have to be in diffrient places at the sametime, or whatever.
The 4 origianls will still be the main characters though.
With it being a bit into the future can we imagine there will be all kinds of new GB based technology?
Of course.
There have been upgrades, along with new versions of the Proton Packs, Blasters, Traps, Ectos, etc, etc.
The HQ's also have been upgraded, and have new equipment, for instance there are now sensors in the HQ that are able to detect any and all kinds of super natrual life forms if they enter the HQ (alarms will go if they do) but the sensors have been encoded with Slimer's signature so that he will not set off the alarms from leaving and entering the HQ.
How are the seasons set up, or rahter how does the story flow?
Basicly there are two types of formats.
1) Story Arcs, in which a whole season (which be around 12 eps) would be a continuing story from ep to ep, but would also contian sub plots (something similar to shows like X-Men: Evoution do)
2) Self Contained Eps, where each episode is more self contained (similar to the RGB series)
It would change from season to season, ie Season 1 would be a Story Arc, while Season 2 would be Self Contained Eps, then Season 3 would be another Story Arc, and Season 4 would be Self Contained Eps, and so on.
Episode 1: Old Habits Die Hard
Basicly Season 1 would start of with a narrative monlogue by Egon, who talks the GB history from 1985 to 2005 (all of it would be an animated montage of sorts)
Then we would see that a Ghostbusters (company) Convention is being held, in New York, where members from all the branches have come together. For some people this is the first time they've seen each other in a few years.
The 4 original GBs talk to one another and talk about old times, along with whats been going on in the last few years. Kylie and Eduardo run into each other at the bar (or someplace they are serving drinks at the convention) and there is somewhat of an awkwardness between them, they havnt seen one another in quite awhile, but thankfully for them, this awkwardness is cut short when Garret and Roland arrive, and the four start to talk about old times, and whats been going on in the last few years. In the corner of the room Oscar leans against the wall talking with Slimer, who quickly leaves Oscar when he sees the the RGBs and the XGBs all standing together, who are later joined by Janine and Louis.
Everything seems great, but deep underground a disturbance is caused (nod to the 1st eps of RGB and XGB) The RGBs and the XGBs decide to go check it out. Oscar tags along even though he is told not to, and Slimer comes too.
Below the GBs discover an ancient underground city, Egon deduces that the city was not created by man.
Oscar ventures off on his own and uncovers a secret room, where he all kinds of weird objects and strange writting.
Back to the GBs, Egon finds an ancient book, filled with writting that even he himself has never seen. Egon decides to collect a few samples from the enviorment and return to the firehouse.
The GBs return to the firehouse along with Oscar and Slimer (the convention is still going on at this point, and there is nobody else at the HQ except them) but when the enter, the almars/sensors go off indicating a super natrual presence. Egon figures the sensors must of gone of due to the items he brought along. Egon goes to turn off the alarm(s) but Oscar says he'll do it.
A short while later the GBs are deciphoring (sp?) the book Egon found, and they (and their computers) are able to translate some of it, even though they dont know the language its in yet. What they translate talks about a being named Krad and his history (read profile above) along with a prophecy about Krad's return, in which he would take control of the ghouls, ghosts, and demons, of the world and rule Hell, Heaven, and Earth.
Oscar gets tired and says he's gonna go lay down for awhile (Slimer too) Roland decides to take a break for a sec and hit the restroom. As he leaves the restroom a hand suddenly appears, touches Roland's head and then renders him unconcious. In the next room over Ray hears something and decides to check it out, only to discover Roland passed out on the floor. The same hand appears again, but Ray sees it and begins to run, although Ray is still caught the by the hand and rendered unconcious. His body falls through a pair of swinging doors into the room where the GBs are. They all see a mysterious shadowy figure dart off.
The remaing GBs relize they are not alone, and break off in pairs of two, Egon and Peter, Kylie and Edaurdo, and Winston and Garrett. The each grab a Proton Pack before venturing off.
The shadowy figure first takes out Winston and Garrett, first by knocking Garrett out of his wheel chair, then severing the cord from Winston's pack to his blaster/gun, while Winston is shocked the figure renders him unconciouss, and then Garrett as well.
Kylie and Eduardo are venturing around while Eduardo talks about old times and about him and Kylie, but suddenly the figure appears, they both fire at it, but it easily dodges the streams. The figure grabs Edaurdo by the head and slams his face into wall, then renders him unconciouss. Kylie does a back flip kicking the figure with her feet, and landing herself in the next room where Egon and Peter are. Kylie tells them the figure just got Eduardo and is very close. Egon thinks the figure might be after something (could it be the containment unit?) they decide to head to the basement.
While going down the stairs Peter stops, he tells Egon and Kylie to go on ahead. Egon and Kylie go on ahead, and later hear Peter and the sounds of his Proton Pack.
Egon and Kylie are finally in the basement trying to make sense of whats going on. Egon believes that the figure is Krad, and that they somehow unleashed him.
Kylie says “Of course, he must be trying to get to the containment unit, to try and make contact with…”
(interupting) “…the ghosts, ghouls, and demons? But of courseI need them.” the shadowy figure appears saying.
“Krad…” Egon says
“Not entirely”
The figure steps into the light to reveal himself as Oscar possessed by Krad. Egon and Kylie are shocked to see that its Oscar. Krad uses this suprise to his advantage and manages to grab Kylie's head and render her unconciouss.
Egon jumps aside, and him and Krad are now staring at one another. Egon prepares to fire at Krad, but Krad is too fast (in Oscar's body) he gets to Egon and punches him across the face, knocking off his glasses. He then hits Egon in the stomach, then grabs him by his Proton Pack and throws him out of it, sending Egon flying into a wall.
“The great Egon Spengler, now old and past his prime. In your day, you and the other three were reveared by your public, and feared by those I controlled. There was no challenge too great for you and the others that the four of you couldnt overcome, but that time has passed. The torch has been passed to a group of pretenders who even on their best day couldnt compete with the originals on thier worst day. HAHA!” Krad says to Egon, while Egon sat up against the wall.
“Now Spengler I want you to pay attention, because this is the beggining of the end!” Krad says while walking over to the containment unit. He opens the unit, sticks his arms inside, and then proceeds to absorbs every ghost, ghoul, demon, creep, goblin, etc, in the containment unit, each one making him more powerful as he aborbs them. By the end of this process Krad's/Oscar's body now has a diffrient appearence. His skin has turned blue, strange markings appeared all over his body, his eyes were glowing green, his hair turned white while a black flame surrounded it.
“Yo..u….You…absorbed the others thoughts and knowledge, thats how you know so much about everything, and now you plan to conquer…”
(interuppting Egon) “…everything my dear doctor! But first I wanted you to see it happen, to bear witness to the bigining of the Apocalypse!” Krad says while picking up Egon.
“You wont achieve your goal.” Egon says.
“Oh, but I think I will.” Krad says just before touching Egon's head, gaining all of his knowledge, then redering him unconcious.
As Egon's eyes close the screen fades black.
I'll write out the rest of the plot to Season 1 later (Im too tired right now)
Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winston (in the 70's)

Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winston (de-aged in 2005)

New Technology (new blaster and trap gun)



Amall Gamnesh


Im curently drawing alot of stuff, and redrawing certain things like Krad and Amall Gamnesh, and I'll put them up when Im done with them.
I think there's some stuff Im forgetting that I wannaput in this post, but Im too tired to remember what.
Although I guess it dosnt matter, cause I'll continue to edit this one post more and more if this becomes somewhat popular or gets alot of repsonses.
Be sure to post your thoughts or what you'd like to see, or dont wanna see, etc, etc.