Ghostbusters 2005

by TAS

21 years, 4 months ago

That's my only concern… doesn't seem right for God to apear like that, I don't know why.

Intresting. But yeah, not sure about God taking the form of Stay Puft…hmm, I kinda agree with Iain.

I wasnt gonna have God appear as anything at first, except for a bright light, but then I heard that at the end of GB3 that God was going to appear before the GB's in the form of Venkman.

I myself was al ittle concerned with actually showing God or showing him in any form, but if he/she/it were to or “had” to appear in a form I thought Mr Stay Puft was the best choice.

I'll more than likely just change it back to “a bright light” the next time I update my first post.

Damion? As in Damion Thorn? The Omen?

Yeah sortta.

The name comes from Damion in The Omen, and Damion from South Park

I created the character for a movie (titled Damion) that me and a friend wrote, but the one I use in this story is a little bit diffrient than the one in my other story.

His deal in this (aside from what I mentioned) is that he is leading everyone to believe he is working for his father (Lucifer) who sent to him to stop Krad. However Damion has plans of his own. He has made an arangement with God, in that he will destroy his father and rid the world of Satan once and for all, then he will leave Hell in control of God (since Damion does not wish to rule it, and God could do whatever he wants with it) and in doing this, God would make it so that Damion was no longer bound by Hell itself, but (there's a catch) if anything should escape from Hell, or should Hell affect anything on Earth, Damion must attend to/stop/correct it.

Season 1 (summary)

In the first season after Krad possess Oscar and sucks the containment unti dry, he then goes after the contaiment units at the other GB branches, then proceeds to unlock certain points around the world, and when they are unlocked the gates of Hell will open.

So the GB's have to around the country, then the world in order to stop Krad. By the end of it or towards the end (of Season 1) Krad becomes powerful enough that he dosnt need his host body (Oscar) and takes corporial form, and when that happens nothing on/of Earth can stop him, and after that Krad ends up opening the gates of Hell.

This all leads the climatic end in which Damion fights Krad and the GBs have to try and close the gates of Hell, and by the end of it, the energy of Krad' body begins to burst forth to the point where he'll destroy all life on the planet (or the planet itself) if he completely explodes, so Damion has the GB's seal him and Krad inside Hell to ensure everyone's safety, then shortly after, God appears/talks to the GB's and thanks them for their work/help.

The Epilogue of Season 1 has all GBs (RGB, XGB, Oscar, and the new chars) back at the New York HQ, and they all decide to stay at the NY HQ, and let others run or be reasigned to the other HQ's, so all the bes GBs are all under one roof again, ready to take on their next threat.


Then the second season would basicly be more/all stand alone episodes, like the format of RGB and XGB.

Although there would be one ep (of Season 2) in which Damion comes back and talks about what happend with him and Krad after the gates/doors of Hell were closed.

Im gonna try and put all of this in html (or web site) format, since its getting really messy with the posts, or rather the post look messy, and I could make stuff look better with html.

by missygirl8520001

21 years, 4 months ago

Cool! that is way awesome Tas! Keep up the good work! I really like drawing style of the ghostbusters.

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

You've put a lot of thought, research, and work into this, and it shows. I really like some of the angles you're taking with the original and Extreme Ghostbusters–some of the progressions are different than the ones I'm working with, but are natural progressions of the movie/RGB/EGB canon in their own rights (and thus similar in some ways, such as Venkman being the patron of an LA Ghostbuster team–but again, the idea flows from his Hollywood connection in “Back In the Saddle”, so don't let anyone accuse you of ripping anyone off on that count)

Your art style is also quite interesting–you've come up with some monsters I sure wouldn't want to have to fight.

Also interesting that you even recycle some of the unused GB3 names…I keep thinking Frank Lovell was an astronaut or something

Looking forward to seeing more.

by Edimasta

21 years, 4 months ago

Very interesting and beautiful work!!

But I ever wanted to ask

Aren't there GBs in Europe?? Just in America?

Because thats bad… who is catching the ghosts here in Europe

And you should think about the equipement very carefully… 'cause the old pack and gun is the best and most important on a GB

by sinister1

21 years, 4 months ago

Very interesting and beautiful work!!

But I ever wanted to ask

Aren't there GBs in Europe?? Just in America?

Because thats bad… who is catching the ghosts here in Europe

And you should think about the equipement very carefully… 'cause the old pack and gun is the best and most important on a GB

Why, Ghostbusters UK of course! Britain's premier paranormal investigation and elimination service! We've been known to deal with cases throughout Europe when nessacery.

by Edimasta

21 years, 4 months ago

Well you have a bright way to germany and austria! But at least one GB-Company here in Europe. Thats good to know.

Maybe i should found the GB Germany… :-)

by sinister1

21 years, 4 months ago

That's not actually a bad idea mate, try it and see if it would work!

by TAS

21 years, 4 months ago

Aren't there GBs in Europe?? Just in America?

Because thats bad… who is catching the ghosts here in Europe

Actually the convention that happens in the first episode happens because they are welcoming their newly founded international branches.

The international branches include

South America

There isnt any branch in either the north or south pole (antartica) because most beings super natrual or not wouldnt be able to surrvive in those conditions, and the ones that could more than likely arent gonna cause a threat to anyone really.

Also the GBs are now goverment funded, meaning lots more money, less lawsuits, etc, etc.

In the ststes, cities, countries, areas, or any other place that dosnt have a branch, the law or police force, FBI, CIA, Special Forces, or whatever are equipped with the technology to handle the paranormal. Certain divsions of whatever (police, FBI, CIA, etc) would be trained to deal with the paranormal as well (they dont just go blindly into it)

And you should think about the equipement very carefully… 'cause the old pack and gun is the best and most important on a GB

They made new tech in Extreme GB, because the old tech wasnt able to deal with the next generation of the paranormal.

The new equipment is fairly new (or experimental) and none of the older GBs really use it, becuase they have the feel for the equipment they're used to.

by LawgSkrak

18 years, 8 months ago

I'm assuming nothing ever became of this idea? If so, where?????

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 8 months ago

I like what your doing with the story, using alot of thought and time to make it all fit together.

But I have an idea for later episodes, we all remember the RGB episode where they went to an alternate dimension and met the peoplebusters. Now the idea would be that they return to the alternate universe somehow and run into the Extreme Peoplebusters and everyone else from the other HQs (oscar,dana, louis..ETC).

I just thought it would be something cool to see.
like seeing the new eqipment because in the RGB it was a tank with goo, but

I wonder what the peoplebusters equipment would be like since everything in the other dimension has been updated.

I hope this makes sense. if not I apologize