18 years, 8 months ago
18 years, 8 months ago
18 years, 8 months ago
17 years, 3 months ago
The idea is now set in 2010, and the Ghostbusters are a worldwide corporation.
Each of the branches has at least 20 staff members who occupy various positions.
Captain - The one in charge of that specific branch. They are the one that gives the orders, assignments, etc, and basicly in charge of everything.
Field Agent - There are various classifications within including…
- Light Weapons: These GBs use the lightest of the available equipment, which allows them to move faster and be more agile in combat situations.
- Heavy Weapons: They use the most powerful and heavy of all the equipment, which can slow them down at times, but what they lack in speed they make up for in strength/fire power.
- Traps: The Trappers of the group(s) are those responsible for catching ghosts. In certain situations that allow for it they are able to set various traps in a single location (exits, windows, doorways, etc) making it hard for certain entities to escape.
- Communications: In those team's dispatched in E5s (Ecto 5 - Large RV/Bus) 2 or 3 members stay behind in the E5 to provide communication support to those actually busting, giving them PKE readouts in specifc areas, info on infrared scans, readouts, information about current threats/ghosts/demons/baddies. There are also Communications back at the HQ, but some jobs require them to be on site due to things like interfearence, poor reception, etc.
Research and Development - The GBs of the R&D department are those that research the baddies that the field agents are currently going up against, finding out ways to deal with things they haven't come up against yet, developing new technology, are in charge of the containment of ghosts, and all other technical aspects of the buisness. They often times work very close with Communications or sub in for them in certain ocassions.
Reception - Handle the incoming calls and sometimes give out assignments on location or over the radio. They work closely with the Captain.
Egon Spengler - Teaches Paranormal 101 at NYU. He's no longer in the field as a Ghostbuster, but still does work with the NY based branches.
Ray Stantz - Heads up the original NY Branch, but no longer goes into the field.
Peter Venkman - Has retired from ghostbusting and hosts a popular late night talk show (on the same level of The Tonight Show/Late Show) He is married to Dana Barrett whom he has a daughter with.
(This progression for the character is meant to be a more successful version of the Venkman seen in the beggining of GB2, but also to echo Bill Murray's unwillingness to return the the GB franchise for so many years)
Winston Zeddemore - Is currently in charge of training and teaching students at a NY Academy devoted specifically to the paranormal, that essentialy train people to become Ghostbusters.
Janine Melnitz - Currently runs the New Jersey branch HQ.
Louis Tully - Is kind of like the CEO of GB Inc, in that he's in charge of the Ghostbuster's corporate HQ, ie the offices that don't actually handle any of the ghostbusting but rather things like bills, fees, legal matters, etc, etc.
Oscar Wallance - Is currently a full fledged member of the GB working under Ray, and has been on many field assignments despite his young age. He uses his (biological) father's last name to make his own name known instead of being trapped in the shadow of his adoptive father (Peter Venkman)
New Characters:
Garrett, Eduardo, Roland, Kylie - Are the most active field agents for the New Jersey HQ, and almost always work together as a team on calls.
Touji Nomura - Field leader of the GB Tokyo branch.
Hooper Yuma - A paranormal investigator from Hawaii, who is drafted as a GB for the LA based branch.
There's obviously many more new chars then that as there are various branches of all of which have 20 some odd employees each.
The Extreme Ghostbusters are basicly being brought over from the animated universe, and are essentialy the same chars, but aged to the point that they'd be by 2010, but aren't replacement characters like they were in EGB, and they'd be fully trained/experienced GBs in their mid to late 20s. They are part of the New Jersey branch because they're really only supposed to be cameo characters but still be part of this universe for the fans that know them, but don't overshadow any other characters. IE all the problems that existed with them in AU don't exist in the MU, and they're kind of like characters to fill out the various branches, like there's 100's of GBs now so it's easy to throw these 4 in for a bit of fan service or to actually right some wrongs in some cases.
I won't get into this too much right now, but in terms of vehicles I envision various Ecto types abriviated as E#, so for instance all Herses, Station Wagons, and other cars of that similar type build/model would be E1s. Other type of Ectos would include Vans, Hummers, RVs/Busses, and I don't really know what else. A motorcycle would be cool to see, but at the sametime it really only allows for one or two people and not much room for equipment, though I guess if one GB wanted to get somewhere really fast (like to help out a team in trouble or sometihng) it be practical in that instance, but probaly not for anything else, plus I'd only want to see an “Ecto Cycle” if it had some really cool design like Kaneda's motorcycle from AKIRA.
Just some ideas for who I think could play certain characters
Eduardo Rivera - Guillermo DÃaz
Since Eduardo's voice actor Rino Ramano doesn't look like Eduardo or Hispanic I thought someone like Guillermo would do the character do the character justice given his comedic skills (Half Baked, Chappelle's Show)
Roland Jackson - Alfonso Ribeiro
Don't know that anyone could due the character better then the only actor to portray Roland, and since I envision the EGBs being older then their cartoon counterparts he's age appropriate in terms of his looks.
Kylie Griffin - Tara Strong
My first thought with the EGBs being portrayed in Live Action is can/could their voice actors from the animated series get across the character in Live Action, and I feel that both Alfonso and Tara most likely could. Tara is about the same size as Kylie and goth styled make up would definitly make her look more like the character.
Rino Romano as I explained above doesn't really look like Eduardo and it most likely look forced if you saw the Eduardo voice coming from him in real life, where as Jason Marsden who plays Garrett is using his natrual speaking voice for the character, however he doesn't look like Garrett, but then again maybe live action versions don't need to look like their animated counterparts so much as just embody the characters themselves.
Oscar Wallence - Jensen Ackles
I'm a big fan of the Supernatural series in which Jensen Ackles stars in, and for whatever reason I just picture him in the part, playing the character much like he does Dean Winchester on Supernatural.
As an adult I just picture Oscar as tougher or more rugged character then one might imagine, and not like that of Peter Venkman/Bill Murray, ie I don't want him to be a clone character like so many offspring tend to be in various fiction.
Kenji Nomura - Takeshi Kaneshiro
Probaly my favorite Asian actor and who I had in mind when I was designing the character.
He's not very famous in the US, and/or his most famous movie in the Western market is probaly House of Flying Daggers in which he plays the male lead.
More info about him for those who are curious -
Damion - Daniel Radcliffe
Not exactly who I pictured in the part of the character, but I really can't think of any known actor of the top of my head that really fits the character. If Johnny Depp were 20 years younger he'd be perfect, but anyways with Daniel I'd just like to see him play a villianous/arrogant/comedic type character, something that's very different from the Harry Potter character that he's so associated with, which is also why I choose that picture of him above because in it he looks nothing like he does in the HP.
If anyone is wondering what Damion is like or what he acts like, I'd say the closest comparision is probaly to that of Joker from the Batman comics.
????????? - Tyler Labine
Much like with Supernatural, I'm a fan of Reaper in which Tyler plays one of the lead roles (Sock) and I think he'd make for a hillarious Ghostbuster, though most likely one in training due to his youthful look and acting style.
Here's another pic of Labine looking more GB like…
Cameos - Since this version of the Ghostbusters is so expansive with so many branches there could be all kinds of cameos if possible (if live action) for instance any and all those actors associated with the cartoons, actors/writers/creators who are fans of or were inspired by GB, etc, ie since this set up would have various scenes when in which there lots of background Ghostbusters those parts could easily be filled with cameos in certain instances.
Also the GBs are now goverment funded, meaning lots more money, less lawsuits, etc, etc.
I'm assuming nothing ever became of this idea? If so, where?????
woah…i love how newcomers manage to necropost to the max! this topic is almost three years old. but while i'm here i'll comment on how the end of season one seems a bit over the top. i think God shouldn't turn up and congratulate them on a good job. what would feel more GB to me is if noone noticed that they'd done anything at all. like they just saved the world and nobody knew. that's how i feel the GB's would operate in modern day! pretty cool though. but please let's put this one down to rest again, we shouldn't really exhume posts!
But, before I get into the diff aspects of what I want to comment on, I'd like to touch on the upgraded equipment from EGB. As much as I liked the serious, I found the reasons to “upgrade” to be very weak (even taking into account it was a kid cartoon).
Egon claims the equipment ineffectual. Not so. 3 beams held Akira (sp?) for a nice bit before she broke free. The problem was simply not having the trap on them.
And if a Ghost breaking free one (while being hunted by beginers no less) time is reason to upgrade, shouldn't the RGBs have upgraded long ago? Vigo threw off 2 beams, in an RGB ep they got a Jabberwalker which was stated to need all FOUR beams to control.
Stay Put (movie) wasn't really contained by the beams (just caught fire). And if Vigo shrugged off 2 beams, I'm Sure Gozer would have done the same, if not laughed.
I'm sorry, but the old equipment was fine. It was user error, not hardware…
But I think I'm in the minority where I think it'd be a bad idea to have the original team recapture their youth.
IMHO, it just seems to come across as not letting heros pass/move on. It's like saying a story CAN'T be done without them back in the saddles, and I think that's wrong.
You've got a very large cast here and though I like the idea of Ghostbusters being a worldwide organization, I think there's too many characters being introduced with the premise. Why not, to start, keep the first season focused on the main 4 branches (Egon, Peter, Ray, Winston) and each branch only have a team of 4 (as apposed to have a large amount of employees).
I think the team of 4 really allowed for richer character development and story development as well. this would let once in a while during the season a show focus on a specific branch's team and let the audience get to know them (allowing you to see what can be done with them if the characters are liked).
I liked the international idea and it'd be cool to have a team once in a while team up with a team from overseas (like the classic Voltron once teamed up with the Car Voltron team).
At the end of season 1, it might be a cool idea to keep the original team split (each leading their branch with say an EGB apprentice). However, it's be cool if Edwardo stayed in NYC to be with Kylie (pursue the romance between these two!!) and Oscar could then transfer to take Edwardo's place as an apprentice.
Also, there seems to be potential from other elements not yet pursued. Janine and Egon could very well be married by now and even have a kid!
17 years, 3 months ago
17 years, 3 months ago
Ya couldn't have picked another art-style, sir? Jesus. Anime? Come on, man.
17 years, 3 months ago
TASYa couldn't have picked another art-style, sir? Jesus. Anime? Come on, man.
My art style isn't that of anime, cartoonish yes, but it's not full fledged anime.
Is that stuff really Anime like or is it just cartoonish blocky/graphitti art styled stuff?
Compared to this…
…which is just straight up anime inspired as is this GB pic by Reiq…
Also those pics I posted are just designs. I mean you'd think it be idiotic for someone to focus on art style opposed to the designs when it comes to concept designs especialy for something that's meant to be portrayed realisitcly as I pointed out above for anyone that was reading or paying attention, ie nothing about the designs are actually anime like are they? So as a result wouldn't the design still remain the exact sameway if portrayed in a more photorealistic style?
Sorry I didn't use the outdated 70s anime looking style of the RGB that most people use it fan-art or actually came up with something different from the norm of what most GB fan art is. God forbid anybody get creative right?
17 years, 3 months ago
I hate to break it sir, but your art screams Anime at the top of its lungs. I'm sorry I had to be the first to tell you. But everything you've drawn has the same kinda vibe as any animated cartoon put out these days. Everything has distinctive anime traits and features. From the (Obvious) anime eyes to the giant oversized hands and boots, your style screams anime. Is that good or bad? Who's to say. But I can tell you that your particular style is cliche and played out. I mean, your style IS cartoonish if compared to every animated series since 2005.
But when compared to this.
Your art looks LESS cartoonish and more like the scribblings of a teenager who LOVES Inuyasha.
I don't mean to harsh on your buzz man, Just pointing out the style you've chosen is played out.
17 years, 3 months ago
TASI hate to break it sir, but your art screams Anime at the top of its lungs. I'm sorry I had to be the first to tell you. But everything you've drawn has the same kinda vibe as any animated cartoon put out these days. Everything has distinctive anime traits and features. From the (Obvious) anime eyes to the giant oversized hands and boots, your style screams anime. Is that good or bad? Who's to say. But I can tell you that your particular style is cliche and played out. I mean, your style IS cartoonish if compared to every animated series since 2005.
But when compared to this.Your art looks LESS cartoonish and more like the scribblings of a teenager who LOVES Inuyasha.
I don't mean to harsh on your buzz man, Just pointing out the style you've chosen is played out.
It doesn't matter if my art is anime like or not, cause it has NOTHING to do with what I posted, ie it's not like I'm asking for a GB anime series, or like that's what my idea is supposed to be.
For instance if what I was suggesting was a concept for a Live Action TV Show or video game done like the 2008 Video Game then why do the designs matter? Like what does anime have to do with anything I posted in the text? What does anime have to do with the actors I picked out to fill the live action roles.
I mean I don't understand your hang up with this. If I were suggesting a GB anime styled series or whatever then I could understand, but that obviously isn't the case.
If this thread were about my art or critiquing my art I could also see your point, but it isn't, ie it seems like all you did was look at the pics and realized that you had to voice your bias about anime or things anime inspired. I just posted designs to further elaborate what I was talking about, and/or it's funny to think that had I posted no pics you most likely wouldn't have even responded.
I draw well enough to get my point across, I'm not trying to be a professional artist or saying that my art style is one that GB should adopt or whatever, I just don't understand wtf anime inspired art or anime in general being played out has to do with any of this.
I also don't like Inuyasha.
The artists that inspire my art style are…
Corey Lewis
Joe Madureira
Humberto Ramos
Akira Toriyama
Tetsyua Nomura
17 years, 3 months ago
It doesn't relate to it at all. I'm just saying whatever is on my mind.
Chill out man.
You posted pictures and I commented on them.
I didn't find the actual subject of the post particularly interesting.