Anyway, TAS I love your sketches, not so keen on the individual uniform sketch, but the facials are fantastic. Especially Venkman.
By individual uniform do you mean the modern uniform design or the custom one I did for Hooper?
There were somethings I didn't point out in my initial return post to this in that certain ideas/elements are specically game ideas and others are TV Show ideas, though there is alot of crossover between the ideas.
Like with the uniforms there is no “universal” uniform but rather everyone/anyone is able to wear whatever uniform they want, or customize it anyway they want as long as it's a jumpsuit (or matching/jumpsuit like) has boots/glooves, logo on the right shoulder, branch logo on left shoulder, and nametag on the leftside of the chest, ie certain apsects are mandatory/required, but if you (as a GB) wanted a simple set up like the classic uniform, that's acceptable just as if you wanted to wear more SWAT like gear that would also be fine as long as it fit the regulations. The idea being to give certain GBs more of a sense of individualism, or player characters in a video game, ie if this were a video game these would be the type of options you'd have when creating/personalizing your own GBs.
Another thing I didn't mention in my Redux post was that the GBs aren't the only paranormal investigators out there, but are the most organized, for instance my Hooper character was a solo paranormal investigator, kind like a Paranormal PI based out of Hawaii, but he's not the only one out there that works off the grid like that, or rather I should say the GBs are the only ones really on “the grid” goverment funded, etc, and most Paranormal Investigators that aren't GBs usualy work alone or only with one or two partners, but it's not something the GBs or goverment looks upon favorably given how dangerous it can be for these people, and since there is a goverment funded originzation that deals with this type of thing these PPIs are almost viewed as vigilantes and mercenaries, but the GBs do try to convince these individuals to join up if they come across them, ie they're not hateful towards them or look down upon, just rather go about it a better/safer way.
Oh and I forgot to post this earlier, but I quickly sketched out Kingpin's avatar in my own style with a pen…

TAS, I was actually wondering, how are you at drawing locations and scenes, as well as just individual characters?
I'm more of a character designer, and generaly don't draw location type things, but I don't know how well I do them considering I don't really draw them, but I do know that I'm not good at vehicle designs, not on paper anyways (in my head it's easy/great) and as far as sequencials go (if that's what you mean by scenes) I'm not good at that either.