GhostBusters 3

by ghostbusterschorr422

19 years, 10 months ago

GhostBusters 3 should be made, for the simple fact that they need to elaborate on the fact on they have been doing since GhostBusters 2. I would like to know if Peter and Dana ever got married and got a kid of their own. I would also like to see what oscar is up to. Does Ray still have his occult book store, does Egon still have his usual unorthodox upsession. Who knows but GhostBusters 3 better be in the making. There is alot of ######## ghostbusters out there who just want to know what is going on at the station.

by UltimateGBfan

19 years, 10 months ago

Dude,Ghostbusters 3 will never be made.

Bill won't do it,Harold is busy doing his writing and directing,and even Dan has given up hope on it.

GB3 is a doomed film.It just won't happen.

by wesyeed1

19 years, 10 months ago

Sad, but true. Murray would rather play the voice of the cat of the guy who voiced the cat in the toon and also voiced his character in the RGB toon than make another GB movie.

But that doesn't mean Sony wont dip back into it's famous franchise once Murray says hi to heaven; or hell.

by UltimateGBfan

19 years, 10 months ago

I doubt Sony would do a GB3 without Murray.

by fomeboy

19 years, 10 months ago

GB3 is a doomed film.It just won't happen.

We ghostheads are like so doomed… DOOMED! :p

But that doesn't mean Sony wont dip back into it's famous franchise once Murray says hi to heaven; or hell.

lol… I read somewhere a while ago that when Bill did wanted to be part of a possible GB3… that he wanted to get killed in the movie and only appear at the end of the movie as a friendly ghost to the surprise of everyone… just to be seen once in the whole movie… lol
I wish I could still find the url for that article

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

Ghostbusters III is more lost the the Ark of the Covenant.

It was noted ages ago that Bill wanted to kill Peter off…which is just nasty because Peter Venkman is one of his most famous roles.

However, I'd suggest not putting too much stock in a third movie ever being made, it's been like this for the past three years, and it'll probably be the same for some time to come.