The movie must have the four original characters, Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddmore, Ray Stanz and Egon Spengler, as played by the original cast.
I do agree that in order to make the film appeal to a younger audience who are only familiar with today’s crop of young comedians that some new characters should be created. This would also give the movie a fresh feel and a chance for some further sequels. However, these comedians would have to be right for the parts, have an understanding of the first two movies and know how to balance horror with comedy and not overact their parts.
I would not like to see the characters of Luis Tully or Dana Barratt back because it would feel too much like the first two movies, which I like, I just feel that the franchise and the third movie would be better if it moved away from that. I wouldn't mind seeing Janine Melnitz come back but I think I'd prefer to see a new, sexy actress in her place as a secretary, again to give the third instalment a new lease of life.
I think that the third movie should have brief references to the first two in the dialogue but that the story for the third film must not be linked to any of the previous films. I personally would not want to see “The Return of Gozor” or the like. Instead, I would prefer a fresh idea, with some new characters, interesting enemies and some new Ghostbusting equipment, again to give the third movie a fresh feel while using the original actors for the four Ghostbusters, sign, jumpsuits, equipment, HQ and the like.
I think that if a new score is written it must send a shiver down the spine, it must be scary. Then again, I would not mind Elmer Bernstein’s score being used once again. Ray Parker Juniors theme must also make an appearance. It simply wouldn't be a Ghostbusters movie without it.
This is my actual idea regarding the storyline of Ghostbusters 3. It is just a rough idea of how the film could be.
I think that the opening of the movie should begin with a bust. It should be an adrenaline pumping sequence which pulls the audience in and excites them from the word go but it should also make them laugh.
I would like to see etc Ray and Winston turn up at a bust. The sequence should show the audience how physically tiring the job is becoming. It should also show that their equipment also isn't in the best of shape. Despite this Ray is still as exited as ever. Basically the job is becoming a nightmare and something has to be done. Despite their limitations they eventually catch the ghost.
They leave the location amongst hoards of curious spectators, desperate to catch a rare glimpse of their heroes. Jobs are few and far between these days so the Ghostbusters are rarely seen. The Ghostbusting business is only surviving because these days the fire station doubles as a garage where Ray and Winston also fix up motors, but when they get that occasional call they drop their wrenches and put on their oil stained jumpsuits, grab their packs and they're away. They advertise their garage whenever they go on a bust as it now brings in more money than the Ghostbusting.
Ray and Winston then walk to the graffiti covered Ecto 1, which is waiting outside. Half the equipment from the roof is missing and rust is visible on the bumper. They drive away amongst cheers and screams.
In the next shot, from inside the fire station looking outside towards the doors Winston can be seen pushing the dying vehicle in.
A figure stands up (we can only see the back of his head). “Is Winston working out or are we just trying to save money on gas?” It’s Peter Venkman.
Peter is back at Columbia University after realising that Ghostbusters just doesn't need that many people any more. He teaches business management after his experience with the Ghostbusters. His class aren’t doing too well.
Egon is also back at the University and has since reclaimed his old job, as a parapsychologist. He is finding that the only reason many of the students take the course is because they want to be a Ghostbusters. He has to tell them that although they still exist, there is not much call for them.
Anyway, back to the fire station scene. After pushing the Ecto 1 for three blocks Winston is shattered. “Winston do you want me to call an ambulance?”. Peter laughs. “Oh, the car broke down” Peter says. Ray and Winston look at each other. “Again?, I thought you guys were gonna ditch that thing.”
On the wall beside Peter are dozens of various newspaper cuttings and photos from past jobs such as “100 foot marshmallow man” and “Statue of Liberty comes to life”. These act as brief references to the past movies.
Ray and Winston then go on to discuss the fact that although there is not much work at the moment and hasn't been for a while. They are willing to go on like this no longer. The car is trashed; the equipments faulty and they are not as strong or as fast as they used to be. They are receiving more crank calls than actual jobs. If something were to happen they would not be prepared for it.
They know that they need a couple of replacements but they also know that they haven’t got the money to employ anyone.
Ray, Peter and Winston then meet up with Egon, who is very busy these days not only is he a college lecturer but he has written numerous books on the science of Ghostbusting. They discuss their situation and decide that the only way to rejuvenate the business from top to bottom is to ask the government for funds. They explain that it is imperative for the business to be funded by the government because it is an emergency service and that the world could be in trouble at any time. They also threaten strike action if they are not listened to. With this they are given a check so that they can make the necessary repairs and changes. However, they are simply dismissed as a government department as Ghostbusting in the eyes of the government is not at all taken seriously.
Peter then has an idea, to get work part time placements for the students who are in Egons class. Egon doesn't like the idea but the next day the vacancies are displayed in the university.
Two people apply for the jobs. The first one (lets call him Tony) is a short-tempered fiery character. He only wants to join to play the hero. He makes quick decisions and consequently makes mistakes due to his character and inexperience. (I was thinking maybe Jack black).
The second (lets call him Mickey) character is much more low key, lacks confidence and is of a nervous disposition. He has never seen a ghost before. He carries his inhaler wherever he goes due to his asthma. However, he takes things seriously and always listens. Due to his lack of confidence he is bossed around a lot by the other one. (I haven’t thought of names for them). (I think Dave Chapelle could pull this off very well).
The new guys arrive at the fire station for the first time where they are shown around and see the equipment. Tony won't stop touching things and is desperate to strap on a proton pack where as Mickey is far more hesitant and not really sure if he wants to be there at all. It's getting late and Ray and Winston head off to bed. Tony starts reading the newspaper cuttings while Mickey watches TV. Tony is fascinated.
The telephone rings. Tony and Mickey look at each other. Tony picks up the phone and takes the call and puts the phone down. Mickey “I'll go and wake them up”, heading for the stairs. Tony runs over and stops him. “No wait!”, “What are you doing man!” says Mickey. “Were going” says Tony. "No way we’re not going anywhere. Your crazy”. “listen Mickey we’re gonna have to learn some time.” “Look if you wanna go ahead and get yourself killed that’s up to you but don’t get me involved!”. “Oh you’re coming”. “Look, we don’t know anything about how to catch ghosts, we’ve never seen a ghost before and we don’t even know how to use the equipment!” “we can do it” says Tony. Mickey walks to the stairs. Tony grabs him by the collar and pushes him against the wall. “We can do it”.
The next scene shows the two characters getting off a bus wearing full uniform and tooled out in full equipment. They are standing outside a giant supermarket. Mickey takes a puff on his inhaler. “I must be crazy to listen to you”.
A huge crowd of onlookers and supermarket staff are assembled near the shops entrance. “Look the Ghostbusters” a man shouts. Mickey looks over his shoulder “Where?”. Tony stares at him in embarrassment “Listen there’s a lot of people here, try not to embarrass yourself”. “We’ve got to act professional”.
They approach the main doors where ghastly groans and banging can be heard from inside. For the first time there is a look of fear on Tony’s face. Without hesitation Tony pushes Mickey through the doors and he disappears into the darkness. Tony looks behind him at the cheering crowd. Not wanting to look a wimp he reluctantly creeps through the doors.
In the dim shop Tony realises he has lost Mickey. Mickey is scared shitless and cannot find the exit. Mickey sees the ghost for the first time. He is stiff with fear and cannot move. The ghost sees Mickey and heads strait for him. Mickey, confused and frightened throws a tin of hotdogs at the ghost, which goes straight through it. Mickey starts running away aisle after aisle. The ghost catches up with him and picks him up. The ghost flies through the air with Mickey in its grasp and heads straight for a wall. It travels through the wall and through Mickey. Mickey falls to the ground covered in ectoplasm. Tony hears his scream and rushes in his direction. They eventually catch the ghost but the shop is no more.
Tony and Mickey go out to a rapturous applause. There are even live TV crew. Meanwhile Peter is watching it on TV in surprise. They step out and get into a taxi while the shop collapses behind them.
The next day Ray and Winston know none of this.
Meanwhile something strange is happening. New York’s oldest prison is being bulldozed in order to make way for a car park. Little does anyone know that this prison also has the largest and most populated prison cemetery in the world. Storing the remains of tens of thousands of dead criminals for the last 250 years. This awakens the angry spirits who are more pissed off than before.
All of a sudden the Ghostbusters are getting call after call and don’t know why. The first call that they attend to Ray decides that they should all go out as a team and that Tony and Mickey should join them for the first time.
They arrive at Manhattan Bank and find that it is being robbed by the ghost of Al Capone and his old gang members. A thrilling chase then ensues when the ghosts fly to a getaway car parked outside. Winston tells Tony and Mickey that they have changed there mind because it’s just too dangerous. Ray and Winston (in the recently refurbished Ecto 1) chase the car, siren blazing through the mid day traffic. The gangster’s car speeds straight through all the vehicles leaving them and their passengers covered in slime (one of these is Peter driving to work). With Ray at the wheel, Winston grabs a proton gun, hangs out of the window in the middle of the high-speed chase and shoots the tire of the ghostly car. The ghosts fire back with transparent Tommy guns. The tyre pops like a bubble of slime, the car skids and crashes. The ghost’s fly out and a dramatic ghost catching seen is shown. Meanwhile Tony and Mickey have arrived. The four ghosts stare at the four Ghostbusters, the Ghostbusters shoot them causing bank notes to fly everywhere. Eventually they are trapped and people from everywhere are collecting the notes, including Tony and Mickey.
Basically then what happens is a lot of jobs and news updates which all have one thing in common. All the ghosts, which have been causing havoc, are past criminals and are linked to the cemetery.
At the end the four Ghostbusters must go there and sort it out. They are frightened because they are so vastly outnumbered. However unknown to them Egon and Peter join them for the final showdown.
I also want to add in there somewhere the building of the new equipment by Egon and the introduction of the new secretary.
By the end of the movie it is granted by the government that Ghostbusters will now be a government department and funded by tax.
This is of course just a rough idea for the movie and one of many ideas but I would like you to tell me what you think.