Ghostbusters 3 - An idea

by matthew1

19 years, 11 months ago

I get your point Peter. I suppose I could just write them in as gangsters and not refer to them as Al capone and his gang.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 11 months ago

I'm glad we've found a compromise.

What happens with Janine in your idea? I realise that they get a new secretary, but Egon and Janine…theyve got too much previous for her to just have disappeared without reason.

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

I'm glad we've found a compromise.

What happens with Janine in your idea? I realise that they get a new secretary, but Egon and Janine…theyve got too much previous for her to just have disappeared without reason.

Sarah might disagree with you on them having any history whatsoever…

While Dana and Louis can be put into the background, or left entirely, I feel Janine now has a place within the franchise, everyone knows her as the ‘take no crap’ secretary, and having her just inexplicably not there might be a dissapointment, at least to the die hard fans, and E/J shippers

by ntfx

19 years, 11 months ago

i wish they had left the one where ray is driving out of control through new york in ghostbusters 2, i know they left a bit of it in, for example when peter and egon look at each other strange when ray drives fast round a corner.

but other than that a great scene was left out.

by matthew1

19 years, 11 months ago

Dana Barratt and Luis Tully are not in my Ghostbusters 3 idea. I don't think that there is any point in continuing to use those characters in a third Ghostbusters movie. I don't even think they should have been in Ghostbusters 2.

Janine Melnitz is also gone. Venkman had to let her go. This is due to the fact that the business has had to cut back due to lack of work. The Ghostbusters have also had to expand their business. The old firehouse now doubles as a motor repair garage. There are two telephones. One for the garage and another for Ghostbusters, although the latter rarely rings.

Venkman's breif television career came to a close. He is back with the Ghostbusters but due to “back problems” (which the others know he's faking) doesn't go out when a call comes in. Instead he has taken up the secretary's job which means he doesn't do much except smoke cigarettes.

Venkman never did marry Dana. It just didn't work out. He is still the hopeless romantic. The womaniser that never gives in no matter how many times he's rejected. This part of his character is shown when he has to interview the young new secretary.

by venky1

19 years, 11 months ago

i just have to say, these are some huge changes. massive changes. you eliminate two sudo-main characters and one of the stars that brought the movie to the elevation it reached, and then turn venkman into a secretary? i dont see that flying well with fans of the original. things change in 20 years, but not that much.

by matthew1

19 years, 11 months ago

Venkman has to get rid of Janine because there is just no way the company can afford her pay check.

The company has been in steady decline for a few years. Yes, they still catch ghosts but very rarely. That is why they have had to expand their business and turn the HQ into a repair garage.

Venkman as a secretary? I know what you mean. Well, the story with Venkman is he had a breif and unsuccessfull career as a TV host, then rejoined Ghostbusters full time. Because of his job and his bad reputation he can't find a job anywhere else. He's tired of the equipment breaking down on him, tired of the lack of appreciation and most of all pissed off that he still hasn't been paid for some of the bigger jobs in the past.

These days he spends most of his time smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. He's gotten lazy and the job as secretary is just an excuse for not doing anything. He just lets the answering machine do most of the work.

He doesn't see why he should run around and break his back any more doing small jobs for shitty pay. His excuse is he has a back problem but the others know he's faking it.

But don't worry, Venkman as secretary is just the beginning of the movie. He does rejoin the team properly and falls in love with the job again.

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

It's been a while since my last post on this particular thread. I'm coming towards the end of the script and I want to know whether or not it'll be OK to add it to this thread or send it elsewhere. It's going to be around 120 pages so I'm not sure.


by Ludicris

19 years, 8 months ago

Venkman has to get rid of Janine because there is just no way the company can afford her pay check.

I have to strongly disagree with you there guy. First of all, Venkman would never “get rid of” Janine; he would just stop paying her until she decided to leave on her own. Second of all, I think after everything that core group went through, I think Janine would stay on with GBI (most of all for Egon).

by Mr.Sta-Puft

19 years, 8 months ago

GB I and II were sooo good (so is this idea) why change anything? keep the equipment and insted of making it in the present, 2005, make it 3 or 4 years after GB2