ghostbusters 3-D

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

Easy Kingpin.

Jeez, years ago I wanted to get hired as a consultant for the second movie, so everyone here at one time or another has had a dream. It may be improbable, and you can even point that out, but tearing it to shreads like that is just cold, man.

I remember your early posts - you had some dreams and schemes to.

by VoiceofReason

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey everybody,

I'm going to have to agree with castewar on this one. Kingpin, even though you have some valid arguments against some of jka's ideas, that probably wasn't the right way to address them. Even though you mentioned at the start of your post that it was a rant, talk like that won't win over any friends; in fact, it probably may bring you an enemy. This is a community, lets all nurture each other's ideas and whenever we have a bad day not blast off on one another. You know, that's probably what it really was, maybe you just had a bad day and chose to vent by blasting jka's ideas. Everyone makes mistakes, so I'm sure an apology to jka would serve just fine in a situation like this.

Just trying to offer some friendly advice,

-“The Voice of Reason”

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Damn, I intended that post as a sort of outline of what was wrong so I could get rid of the image I was making for myself, obviously I somewhat failed in that idea, another thing, do not post anything at school, looks like that helps to highten my being a right b**tard.

jka, I owe you a very big apology, I will also remove the above posts.
I also owe everyone else here an apology, I should be encouraging people, not slamming them.
And no, I'm not trying to turn this around, if people have bad things to say about me, say em.

by VoiceofReason

21 years, 9 months ago


Kudos to you for making things right with “jka” in this thread. It takes a big man to not only learn from his mistakes, but to correct them as well. I'm glad to read that even though your intentions weren't aimed to belittle him at all, you are offering your apology to “jka” nonetheless. Respect is never given, it is earned. This afternoon you have earned my respect…

Until next time, take care of yourself and each other,

-“The Voice of Reason”

EDIT: While I can understand how you could feel a bit ashamed after writing what you wrote earlier, the person who is not willing to forgive and let bygones be bygones is a bigger fool in my book. In my eyes, you have redeeemed yourself after deleting that post and offering an apology to “jka”.

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

I may have earned your respect Voice, but I also made a big fool of myself.

by jka12002

21 years, 9 months ago

your apolgy is acepted kingpin.

maybe im going overboard with my ideas a little bit.

by 9sam1

21 years, 9 months ago

if only we would all just watch EGB GB3 would be made. I mean who cares if Egb sucked if you would have watched it GB3 would be made.