by drraystanz

18 years, 8 months ago

True, Fox has yet to cover the story and if it was even romoured you'd think they'd probably jump on it. Hopefully we can find this footage from canadian TV to confirm it. WHo knows man, this could get exciting. I was born a month before GB2 came out and honestly I want to be able to see the production of a new Ghostbusters film in my life time.

by xander

18 years, 8 months ago

This may be what we have been wating on for a long time. Lets keep our fingers crossed (^_^) .

by KeeleI

18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Ghostheads, I dont know how many of you got a phone call from a friend saying they just finished watching Etalk daily on CTV the other day, and saw that GB3 had been givin a green light. But i was one of them . My friend called me right away said he caught the tail end of the report. he knows what a Huge GB fan i am. Of course I was excited but know i turn to this Forum and there is still skepticism WTF? Honestly , if this group agrees that GB3 is so , than it is. Until then, everyone just keep digging up the lastest info and share it.

ntfx said:
it was on canadian tv last night, an interview with dan aykroyd saying that ghostbusters 3 was given the go ahead.

Got the same call dude, I confirm this

by castewar1

18 years, 8 months ago

I did dig up information, last November - I posted it in a few dozen threads about this. I'll post it again here.

My information is that it's NOTHING but hype - it all started with one interview with Harold Ramis where he outlines how the HAD written a script and they WERE thinking of Ben Stiller, but that it was a long time ago. That got sent out by WENN as Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd were in the middle of making the movie and Ben Stiller was in talks with them. And from there it just got worse -

Until I see a news item that has a reference other than some website that's reporting the false WENN report from last fall, then I'm not investing any interest in this story as being true. I will however do whatever I can to set the record straight - false information doesn't help get a third movie made, it just eats up people's interest on something that's not real. Should anything real happen, they're no longer interested.

by xander

18 years, 8 months ago

Thats old news castewar. It can be refused one minit, and be green lighted the next.

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 8 months ago

But thats all well in true of proton charging
But so far we have information of it on news channels and radio and are information is no older than a week old.

That article from protoncharging is from last year.

I started this message because I heard Dan akyroid (excuse the spelling plz)
on a audio clip from the Cannes film festival announcing it is getting made
I also saw a news segment on our local news with a video clip of the cannes announcement I also started this message group because I want to deliver truth not BS on this website there is enough GB3 BS on the internet but I am only the messenger so dont shoot (^_^)
Thank you

by KeeleI

18 years, 8 months ago

I just looked up the CTV website and nothing is being said about GB except for Dan Aykroyd sinking 1million into Ontario wines.

how bout we all forget the bogus internet articles from the fall and see if we cant find out more on the interview with Dan Aykroyd on Canadian TV, not the old interview with Harold Ramis.

lets us seek reality and cast away flasehoods. Together we can discover the truth.

by castewar1

18 years, 8 months ago

Thats old news castewar. It can be refused one minit, and be green lighted the next.

But this “new” batch of information appears TO BE BASED ON THAT OLD INFORMATION, hence my point.

Until I hear this clip from Dan Aykroyd, I have no reason to believe that this is anything other than a rehash of the rumour mill game from last fall.

It's pretty simple - provide me with hard, confirmable sources, and I'll shout it from the highest mountain - I have, after all, been waiting for this a lot longer than most of you.

Yes please, Keele, let's sort the fact from the fiction.

by ChrisSpade

18 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, see, the way i look at it is, someone dug up some old info, and went, “Holy Crap Ghostbusters 3!” Like everyone here did, and rewrote the article in his own words, with a more recent date, and blammo, the whole thing was just blown way outta proportion. But, hey ya never know. Let's make Chris an A**hole.

by GB3

18 years, 8 months ago

I heard about this on the net and from these boards as well and knew to take it with some trepidation. Forgot to tell my brother. Then my brother saw ET Canada yesterday and ran up to tell me first thing. From what I can tell about CTV's ETalk Daily (both Canadian Ent. shows), its one of those fast mentioned news bits with no clips of any sort to support it. He says this was how ET Canada reported it. So I assume ETalk Daily was just a mention thats all.
I too would like to see more evidence about this as well. Like everyone else has said, I thinks its some sort blow up from the net about old news. We need to hear and see more. Especially if it was really mentioned at the Cannes.