Ghostbusters 3 idea list

by FaNBoY3000

23 years, 3 months ago

A couple of months ago,on the old board,I posted a massive idea list for Ghostbusters 3,and I wanted to revise it and show you, goes…

The Director=Ivan Riteman obviously.

The cast=They should bring everyone back that they can,Harold as Egon,Dan as Ray,Bill as Peter,Ernie as Winston,Sigourney as Dana,and Anne as Janine.I don't think they should bring back Rick as Louis.Louis didnt serve much of a purpose except to get in the way and be weird.They should have someone like Mena Suvari as Kylie,she played a good goth chic in “Loser”.As for Oscar,they should bring back the kid(s) who played him in GB 2.As for the patented Ghostbuster cameos.Those should include SNL cast members such as;Molly Shannon,Chris Kattan,Jimmy Fallon,David Spade,Collin Quinn,Tina Fey,and heck even Loren Micheals.John Goodman should be mayor.He was great in Blues Brothers 2000.Maybe even Steve Buscemi.

The plot=Instead of the “Buisness Hanging on by a thread” idea that has been rumored,how about a booming business? It's so busy that Egon and Ray have to look for some more help.Enter Kylie,who is a student at the college that egon teaches at halftime.Peter and Dana are married.Ray and Winston investgate around the city to see why they are so busy.They find that most of the huantings have eminated form the Staten Island garbage dump.They all go down to investigate and find that Gozer,who they thought was destryoed wasn't completely elimated.Gozer has been in a sem-heibernation state,gathering conserving power to bring the underworld to earth.The Ghostbusters devise a plan to use Dana and Louis brain tissue samples from the first encouter with Gozer.They turn the samples into a special energy,which they put into the proton packs,the plan is to overload Gozer with so much energy that it overloads and ceases to be,but they must do it in one mass attack,otherwise they load Gozer up with the power and Goazer absorbs it and becomes “nigh-omnipitent”.They go to the dump and begin the attack,they are greeted with many ghosts,even the head of the stay puft marshmallow man,they bust all the spooks and then face Gozer and suceed,barely.The end.

The Equipment=The usual Proton Packs,and Slime blowers.A slighty redesigned PKE meter,that looks like a cross between the old one and a palm pilot.The giga meter should come back as well.As for ol' Ecto 1,It should be less decked out then it was in GB2,lose the caution tape and the ad's on the car.Keep the signboards,but make them smaller,and the same goes for the satellite dish,bring back the Ecto-scopes.Make an Ecto 2,maybe a modifed PT cruiser.And of course,bring back the firehouse in it's original glory.

The logo=Keep the logo essentially the same,because that's the logo that made them famous.It was eevn used in both cartoons.Make a few modifactions,maybe him(he still doesn't have a name) have a smirk,and look a bit more menacing.

The soundtrack=A much debated item on the old boards.Ray Parker Jr. should do the theme again,with a few minor updates.Run DMC should do another song.Rob Zombie would be perfect for this kind of movie.Maybe even Blink 182.Xentrix did a Ghostbusters cover,so they should be in it.Kid Rock and No Doubt would also be good.

The rating=PG-13.It would be best,you can do a lot more with that kind of rating then a PG.


23 years, 3 months ago

Sounds good!

by Specter

23 years, 3 months ago

That sounds REALLY cool!!!

by eKtopLaZmiC

23 years, 3 months ago

thats cool but some of its kinda weird u cant have gb3 w/out louis no matter how unimportant he is it just wouldnt make ne sense plus who the hell is kylie i mean i know a lot about GB but who in the hell is kylie?

by Ross

23 years, 3 months ago

Ok I suppose, you haven't sold me on the idea of the return of Gozer. Of course I (and everyone else) have always entertained the idea of Gozer showing up again, you would deffinately need to do it right (a demon portal through a garbage dump sounds ok for your run of the mill Apocalyptic monster, but not Gozer I think…).

And a nearly complete SNL cast for GB? That is one bad idea, very bad… Yes GB is connected to SNL, but you just shouldn't go into trying to stuff as many SNL people on it.

Oh yeah, about Kylie… you don't want to know who she is! Haha. You're better off left in the dark, believe me. I think each one of the GB Jrs. were 10 times better characters than Kylie ever was! (ok, saying it straight Kylie was one of the main ‘new Ghostbusters’ in the Extreme Ghostbusters series, she also happened to be a terribly annoying character).

by J.C.Zeddmore

23 years, 3 months ago

I like teh script.Always thought of the Ghostbuster facing an old nemesis bending on revenge(that'll make thing dangerous for our guys).Steve Buscemi, Carl Kattan and David Spade are good choices of actors though i prefer a more hard nose gal for Kylie.How bout getting Blur or Limp Bizkit for song?

by eKtopLaZmiC

23 years, 3 months ago

thanx for setting me straight i regret not watching or paying attention to extreme ghosbusters i guess i just though of it as a joke i mean the real ghosbusters that was awesome


23 years, 3 months ago

i'll give you a brief summery of my idea:

out in the pacific ocean and island rises out of the dpths of hell bringing forth a completer surge in the ecto spear the guys get swamped with the stuff the useual, the show down is with this War Lord Waith…umm a koll name Nal Vier, basicly what trigger the guys to the island is big strange things are happening over in la and stuff, so they go, and fight the big bad guy, im starting on a screen play for this soon, hope it comes out good, it will also be a little darker than most gb films. thats all i have for now.

by ShadyKnicks

23 years, 3 months ago

Here's my personal idea list. It's pretty vague, but u should get the idea:

Year 2002. NYC has been ghost free for about 6 years. All the original Ghostbusters have gone their seperate ways. The ecto containment unit has been left in the warehouse, patroled every once and a while by police officers, who make sure nobody tampers with it.

One day, a patrol officer that should have been checking up on the unit, chases a group of shop lifters from a nearby store. ENTER Walter Peck. He goes down into the containmet unit, shutting it down. This releases 11 years of ghosts back into new york.

Ray (or any ghostbuster) could be in NY and experience the effects of the ghosts. (Sees Slimer or any other ghost.) He contacts Egon, whose using his collection of research on ghost to fund more studies. They meet back together at the old warehouse, and meet Winston. Peter could have been too busy with World of the psychic to want to be bothered with Ghosts. All 3 conclude that something big (besides Walter Peck) is brewwing of into the Atlantic Ocean.

Now Ray, Egon, and Winston are called to their first case. They fail to catch the ghost because they realize they are too old and out of shape. The only way to catch the ghost is to find and train replacements.

Now have 4 (doesn't make who) younger versions of each ghostbuster. They are trained and set out for their first assignment. The orginial three stay with them, but on the job, stay in the Ecto-1. Egon uses him computer full wih ghost database to help the rookies. Anyways, the new GB fail their first mission. But, they recieve many more calls.

Have a sequence showing the new GB rounding up ghosts.

Finally, Egon, Ray, and Winston do some field tests to confirm that an enourmous sourse of ghost related activity is happening right outside of the Hudson River.

The New GB are sent off (by boat) to see what could possibly be happening. Suddenly, the Hudson turns pink (into the River of Slime) Out of the newly formed slime, comes a huge island, and guarding that islands are the dogs from the first movie. GBs get by them, and continue. They make their way to the heart of the island, they find Zoul,and Vego together. They have been brought together by a super god, a direct link between Gozer and Vego that has been plotting its arrival since Vego was defeated. The GB defeat it (somehow) and are heros. Most ghost are gone with the defeating of the “Slime Island”,with only some needing to be rounded up. Also, Peck is arrested for tampering with the Unit. The new GBs stay around for a little while longer, fighting the spawns of any remaining ghosts.

by GhostBusterToph

23 years, 3 months ago

Here's another idea.

As much as I'm not that fond of prequels, I think a ghostbusters one could be pretty interesting. Personally, I'd have it focus on Egon at the beginning because he always seemed like the reason they got into it. Maybe use some ideas from RGB such as the boogeyman scaring him as a child. And just have it lead up to the beginning of GB1 with sor of an Empire Strikes back, not happy, or complete ending. It could also explain how they got together. This would have to go with much more of the comic way with the lack of ghosts this would probably have.