Ghostbusters 3 “Looks Pretty Good”

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 3 months ago

until the words “green-lit” are actually spoken then GB3 has NOT been green-lit

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 3 months ago

Did You Forget Jay? A Sony Rep Confirmed that the GB3 Script gotton Approved and the GreenLight is on for Ghostbusters 3! Dan Aykroyd confirmed that Filming will began Next Spring in 2011 and Sony Confirmed that Production Begans Next May 2011! How much more Proof do you need? Ghostbuster Your Correct Production/Filming begans next May 2011 then Filming begans next Spring after Production is finished in 2011 for Spring!!!

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks
How much more Proof do you need?

I dunno, an official announcement…

A Sony exec saying they are going to make a sequel is not an official announcement. It is a declaration of their intentions. Those are 2 different things and as Jay said, until the words green-lit appears in the same sentence as Ghostbusters 3…it hasn't been given the official green-light yet.

Let's of course not forget that studio's change execs all the time, I honestly believe studio's change hands more times than people change underwear. You got to remember that fact and this…just because the current group in charge wants to make a sequel doesn't mean the next group will.

I suspect at some time they will since raping our childhood seems to be the fad at the moment.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 3 months ago

I suspect at some time they will since raping our childhood seems to be the fad at the moment.

You consider a Ghostbusters sequel….any Ghostbusters sequel…to be “raping your childhood”?

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 3 months ago

I consider them making movies of every cartoon series that I loved, as opposed to a new original idea, as raping my past.

I consider them making remakes / sequels to movies I loved, as opposed to a new original idea, as raping my past.

Don't get me wrong, I will probably like it; maybe greatly enjoy some of it. But I have been marginally against the making of a new sequel since this fad of “making unneeded sequels to movies that are as old or older than me and haven't seen any sequels and years began”.

But I will consider Ghostbusters…sequel or remake to be raping my past…plain and simple.

And yes, before anyone mentions it. I felt the same thing about the video game…but I still ended up greatly enjoying it.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 3 months ago

I consider them making movies of every cartoon series that I loved, as opposed to a new original idea, as raping my past.

I consider them making remakes / sequels to movies I loved, as opposed to a new original idea, as raping my past.

Don't get me wrong, I will probably like it; maybe greatly enjoy some of it. But I have been marginally against the making of a new sequel since this fad of “making unneeded sequels to movies that are as old or older than me and haven't seen any sequels and years began”.

But I will consider Ghostbusters…sequel or remake to be raping my past…plain and simple.

And yes, before anyone mentions it. I felt the same thing about the video game…but I still ended up greatly enjoying it.

Interesting stance… though I can't say I agree fully. On some counts yes. Making things for the sake of making them, and not putting the care into it to ensure its good, I would consider “raping my past”. But they made a very good video game, and could make a very good movie. That's not raping the past just because its bringing something back that hasn't been around for a while.

Are the new toys from Mattel raping the past? Or releasing the movie, retouched, on Blu-ray?

These things are done with the same purpose. Make money off of an older franchise.

I just think that its odd to say no matter what its raping your past, even if its good. Usually something good isn't associated with “raping”.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;167074
I just think that its odd to say no matter what its raping your past, even if its good. Usually something good isn't associated with “raping”.

Exactly what I was thinking.

by Dr.D

14 years, 3 months ago

One of the reasons I felt the game was so good was because it was made out of sheer love for the franchise. There was no new movie or TV Show to capitalize on, it was made mostly for the fans. If the film is treated the same way, the outcome should be no different.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters 3 have got a green light and i think it's gonna start shooting in spring 2011 and the movie is coming in 2012.

Ghostbusters 3 has NOT gotten a green light. Until there is a press release from Sony, then it means it is not happening.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 3 months ago

@Peter Venkmen, Ivo Shandor: Well, to each their own on their feelings about this particular subject. I have just become cynical over the poor attempts at trying to “re-introduce” a franchise to the “modern” consumer due to them destroying what made the franchise special.

I mis-worded my statement about the videogame. I considered (past tense) the game as raping my past when it was announced…but over time…it grew on me. I slowly began to fall in love with it as you guys said…due to the sheer amount of love put into the the game. And because of that I loved it and I applaud the creators. They did a fucking fantastic job.

I am still marginally against the creation of a 3rd movie…but I can be won over.