Ghostbusters 3 “Looks Pretty Good”

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 3 months ago

I have just become cynical over the poor attempts at trying to “re-introduce” a franchise to the “modern” consumer due to them destroying what made the franchise special.

Pretty harsh. There's nothing wrong with reintroducing or reeving a franchise, providing that it's done right.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 3 months ago

Peter Venkmen;167094
Pretty harsh.

Yes, yes it is. I completely acknowledge that it is a very hard view on the matter; a view originates from mouth breathers of significantly younger age than me expressing remakes of various franchises being better than the original.

Peter Venkmen;167094
There's nothing wrong with reintroducing or reeving a franchise, providing that it's done right.

Part of me wants to say “yeah, there's nothing wrong with it…if done right”; but another part of me wants to say “yes, everything is wrong with it!”

Case by Case basis I guess.

by ivoshandor1

14 years, 3 months ago

Part of me wants to say “yeah, there's nothing wrong with it…if done right”; but another part of me wants to say “yes, everything is wrong with it!”

Case by Case basis I guess.

In a way it might be better for GB3 script to have little input from Aykroyd & Ramis. It might be better for younger fans of the movie to write the script. The original creators might actually produce a worse movie. It's hard to say.

Example: George Lucas created Star Wars, but he sure as hell didn't understand what fans found special about it. He should have let others take over the prequels.