Ghostbusters 3 movie premise!

by stantz1

19 years, 4 months ago

Some of the Ghoasstbusters had some Illigetimate kids in the early 80's, and now the mothers are sewing for all the unpaid child support. So now the boys in grey are passing thier company down to the kids who mess it all up and the Original GBs have to save the world again. Just a joke, but it would be cool if they were passing the business down since they're all old and fat. Look at Harold Ramis in Orange County. I almost Cried, he was so fat! It was very close to ruing my childhood memories of the Ghostbusters.

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

Some of the Ghoasstbusters had some Illigetimate kids in the early 80's, and now the mothers are sewing for all the unpaid child support. So now the boys in grey are passing thier company down to the kids who mess it all up and the Original GBs have to save the world again.

Actually… compared to the many different ideas for Hell on Earth… it's pretty unique.

by d_osborn

19 years, 4 months ago

i've always thought that louis and janine having a kid that looked JUST like spengler would be a hilarious bit in a third film…

by jb1882

19 years, 4 months ago

Hey Stantz,

Its kind of funny to know that great ghosthead minds think alike. My friend and I have been working on a screenplay for a similar premise involving the illegitimate 80s kids taking over for their pops' in this day in age.

Anyway, I don't know if you were planning on doing anything with yours, but if you want to see something similar being done… the first draft oughta be ready in a month or so.

GB3 will happen one way or another!


by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 4 months ago

Hmmmm…..Interesting idea….I like it!

by BustersoftheG-H-O-S-T

19 years, 4 months ago

i don't like the idea i think they should stick with the original ghostbusters afterall those were the ones who got us hooked on it wans it

by fusi0n1

19 years, 4 months ago

Busters of the G-H-O-S-T
i don't like the idea i think they should stick with the original ghostbusters afterall those were the ones who got us hooked on it wans it
Well Stantz's premise tells us that the boys in grey eventually have to come back and fix up the mess that their offspring so they will still be in the movie, just not in the main spotlight all the time.

Good job Stantz, thumbs up
I can actually see that story panning out. We eventually see the boys' business doing well after the events of GB2, then the lawsuits arise from their bastard kids. So these ‘junior’ ghostbusters eventually win the successful business. We then flash-forward 20 years and find out that the business is in complete shambles, place is a mess, car is run down, equipment hardly works, ghosts running rampant in the city, and them just letting the phone ring non-stop!

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 4 months ago

These threads make me think about what I'd do for GB3…I'll get back to you…

by onionheadedfreak

19 years, 4 months ago

Ooh, ooh! I have an idea for a third movie: a prequel.
it could be all about how gozer really is Pete's father and then
vinz and vigo would fight inside of a volcano over lave and stuff as it's errupting and at the end of the fight vigo would get trapped inside a giant painting, but only after his head and body are serparated, and that's howcome he needs a body.
And slimer, in life could be a time traveler that when he pops in to see this fight gets caught by zuul that kills hims and turns him into a small green spirit that attaches itself to the sedgewick because of all the great free food. also he first started time traveling in a room there, so he's just waiting for his living self to rent the room there again so he can warn him not to go back.
and then the Ghostbusters get caught in a time warp with the living slimer, since the spirit was caught and trapped, and they get stuck in time to see gozer when he/she/it first becomes a god. They don't realize the mistake they make by helping this ‘person’ to ward off spirits that try to stop gozer's transformation. in return for their services, the boys in gray get sent back to their original timeline. Also, it could be a musical, with music by danny elfman.

if you think i'm serious aobut this, i'm sorry. i was just kidding, thought it was a different thought and wanted to see how people would react, please forgive me if i offended anyone.

by JerseyDevil

19 years, 4 months ago

Ooh, ooh! I have an idea for a third movie: a prequel. it could be all about how gozer really is Pete's father…
could be a musical, with music by danny elfman.

I prayed you weren't serious; you scared me for a second…sadly, you hear these propositions too often. I like the idea about the score being composed by Danny Elfman: he would be perfect for it. He composed a song for the 2nd film, so why not a whole score?