ghostbusters 3 opening script idea

by jka12002

21 years, 7 months ago

fade in: night
we see peter walking down brodway in the middle of the night. he turns left and walks down an alley.a shadow passes by. peter stops, he looks around.

peter: must be the wind

then suddenly a hidious beast like monster jumps out and runs toward peter.

peter: holy s**t!

title apears: GB3:the manicore's ghost

by Maverick

21 years, 7 months ago

Even though its extremely doubtful GB3 will ever be made, I think the only way someone wont be disappointed by what Hollywood creates is by writing what they want the movie to be. So that is why i'm going to encourage you to expand upon this by writing a fan fic. Good luck


by fat_boz

21 years, 7 months ago

i had an idea revolving around the guys being the reverse of how they are at the begining of the first two.. they seem to be in some sort of rut or not so well off at the beggining and i thought they could start of big headed, careless due to the riches they recieve for the last world saving adventure.. now they forget about the ghosts etc. and decide ot retire on their pile of cash…

the n the usual.. eg. ghosts come back evil breaks loose and they are called back into business…

otherwise the rgb idea of arch ghost nemesis' could be interesting! lol

by THePaRaNoRMiNaToR

21 years, 7 months ago

i actually had a document all typed out with how i thought their stories had evolved since 89. but i like that idea of peter being attacked at the beginning and maybe the movie revolving around the others trying to free his soul from some demon

by fat_boz

21 years, 7 months ago

i like it…soul trapping…………

by Dr.Venkmann

21 years, 7 months ago

Ghostbusters III hopefully will be made but having the originals be retiring and training a new team…but have the new team resemble the vets, the wise mouth (Venkmann), the 2 scientists, one naive and shy, the other strictly professional (Stanz and Spangy) and the brash fighter (Zeddmore)