Ghostbusters 3: Overtime

by GBFreak

21 years, 8 months ago

Ron you have to wait until June/July for the films to come out. ghostbusters3n4 would mail you one if you want. I have a preview disc that is really cool. I can't wait until then. Also I've heard there may be aseries in the works.

by GhostBustersIV

21 years, 8 months ago

I'be heard that you're gonna sell DVD, toys of the movie, but don't you think you an get in copyright problems?

by ghostbusters3n4

21 years, 8 months ago

im not selling ne thing just read the reserve sectoin on te website

by 9sam1

21 years, 8 months ago

i would like to reserve a copy of the preveiw Dvd thingy, the script and if you have them the toys. also ( GB3 overtime the movie)

ill tell you the adress later


by ghostbusters3n4

21 years, 8 months ago

more news

WEbsite is up and upgraded again

by roberto182

21 years, 7 months ago

so let me know is extreme ghostbusters or ghostbusters

by ghostbusters3n4

21 years, 7 months ago

On August 1 We will release Info about everything like

- The Release Date of gb3 overtime

- The Max Produced Figures

- Gb 4 trailer

- Gb 3 trailer

- DVD Cover

- The much awaited Trailer For Marios Christmas

-possible Pc Game

- RPG game

- Trading cards

- New Comic book

-The offical Theme song for the cartoon series

- T-shirts

- and many more

This is just some one stuff that will make its debut on august 1st

So until then

Wait is everything

by clubbernolan18

21 years, 7 months ago

hey ghostbusters3n4, can u email me the trailer of ghostbusters 3; overtime. I would really like to see it. I wished for there to be a ghostbusters three since i saw both 1 and 2. My email is Thanx

by Mike_D

21 years, 7 months ago are you affording all of this?? And will there be offical gb3overtime socks?? LOL

by ghostbusters3n4

21 years, 7 months ago

We All are putting our own money for all this so far i think we have spent little over 5,000 buck on every thin thats including comp programs

the figures where very pricey we made the models then sent them in and got about 20 of each person coming outmto be over 500 hundred bucks

We thought about charging u guys for the dvd case's but thats kinda gay but

But the cool part is we only pay about 100 buck of our own money

My grandpa died and left me in his will

like 30,000 buck

and he know how much i love gb and he is also trhe one who incourged us to do it so its knda his gift to us
socks ummmm

Well we can get u a pair lol