Ghostbusters 3 plot

by vinzkeymaster

23 years, 4 months ago

What do you all think Ghostbusters 3 needs for a plot to be just as good as the first movie. If it did come out it would probably be a carbon copy of the first film but worse, like Evolution. I think Dana would be out. She's been possessed, her child has been possessed, whats left for her to be around?

by Tempus

23 years, 4 months ago

I had a massive synopsis for my 3rd gb film idea, which was original (for the films anyway) but took various ideas from RGB and adapted on them in certain ways (kind of like GBII did). Anyway, like i said it was huge, but i'll post it if i'm allowed, or if its wanted.

by GBFan112

23 years, 4 months ago

I've had many ideas for a third GB movie. And, anyway, she'd probably be written in as Venkman's wife.

by Ghostbusta54

23 years, 4 months ago

I their should be a female Ghostbuster in the third one. They've been the “Boys” in gray long enough.

by Gene

23 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters III is a hard plot to make up. I suck at script making. I have no ideas.

by Slimer388

23 years, 3 months ago

how do you people think gb2 is similar to the cartoon?

by d_osborn

23 years, 3 months ago

slimer being a “good” guy and janine's look changing are two examples off the top of my head. oh yeah….at the end, aren't two gbs wearing dark gray flightsuits, and the other two wearing tan? kinda reminds me of rgb.

by ShadyKnicks

23 years, 3 months ago

Supporting cast:

Dana- died and left Oscar (now 13) to Venkmen or Ray. (depending if Murray doesn't do movie)

Oscar- GB “water-boy”, fetching outfits, rigning alarms, and being a GB in training.

Janine and Louis- married. Janine still works as GB receptionst. Louis- Still does taxes. He and Oscar train to be ghostbusters togther.

by stembob27

23 years, 3 months ago

For the movie to be successful, there must be a level of development between the second and third movie, as well as an element of mystery. First off, the outfits. They should have navy blue or black outfits. It looks more profsional. I guess you could say, in the first two movies, they looked like the garbage men of crime fighting….doin the dirty work. With dark suits, they would come off more as police officers, if ya follow me. Maybe not new eqipement but at least more equipment (everything is supped up except for the packs). More employies but the emphisis would have to be on the origonal 4. A second car too. If ya can imagine, almost like the ghostbusters have 2 teams of 4 to take car of buisiness as well as two cars. But the other team and the other car you only see in the backround, no real roles if ya follow me. Same old firehouse. maybe make them more official, like, there not just a business anymore, there a public service . There part of the service system provided by gov. Thats my idea for the atmosphere, the plot is another thing.
