Ghostbusters 3 Script Availability?

by sal

18 years, 6 months ago

I was wondering, since there are script reviews out for the GB3 script, if in fact the script itself were available somehow. See, like most of the people out here, I'm not interested in spoiling the story for everyone, or sending it throughout the internet channels and trading it with every person on the planet. I merely want to read the damn thing, since it looks like it's never going to happen.

I understand I'm totally new here, but I'm in a desperate state for wanting to read this story. If anyone has the script or information that might lead me to said script, please drop me a line or simply post in the subject.

Am I wrong? I mean, wouldn't everyone on here just want to read the script, even if they weren't going to make it? And wouldn't they follow any and all protocol and rules of good taste and politeness if they had said script?

All that aside, thanks very much for the opportunity to join this pleasant community.

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

The script has never been released online for all to read, we've only been treated to a few hints and minor details… but the sceenplay as far as we're aware is still locked up in Sony somewhere.

by texasgb1

18 years, 6 months ago

The script is VERY hard to get. Stax over at ign had access to it….Netsolo apparently has also read it.

by sal

18 years, 6 months ago

Curses! Well, thanks for the info!

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

Curses! Well, thanks for the info!

lol… dude, did Orgazmo shot you with his Orgazmorator? :p

by matthew1

18 years, 6 months ago

How did Netsolo get to read it?

The fact that the script hasn't been released online makes me think that it may still be of consideration. After all, if they're never going to use it then what would be the harm in putting it online?

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 6 months ago

If they did it would be great because we would be able to read it 1 and someone could put it into a net comic, or make it into a net series

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 6 months ago

This part thinks me to an even more Xtremer Ghostbusters group:

There is indeed a younger crop of Ghostbusters (or, as the script abbreviates it, GBs) introduced that perform much of the otherworldly legwork here. This new crew includes: Franky, a body-pierced, tough New Jersey punker; Lovell, a dread-locked dude; Moira, a pretty but uptight gymnast and science grad; and Carla, a Latino beauty. There’s also Nat, a prepubescent genius whose powerful brain has made his head abnormally large. Despite his youth, Nat serves as a supervisor for the new GBs. That’s all we ever get to know about these characters (we don’t even learn their last names!) and they’re our guides throughout most of the story.

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

This part thinks me to an even more Xtremer Ghostbusters group:

There is indeed a younger crop of Ghostbusters (or, as the script abbreviates it, GBs) introduced that perform much of the otherworldly legwork here. This new crew includes: Franky, a body-pierced, tough New Jersey punker; Lovell, a dread-locked dude; Moira, a pretty but uptight gymnast and science grad; and Carla, a Latino beauty. There’s also Nat, a prepubescent genius whose powerful brain has made his head abnormally large. Despite his youth, Nat serves as a supervisor for the new GBs. That’s all we ever get to know about these characters (we don’t even learn their last names!) and they’re our guides throughout most of the story.

hey put back your ghost-bunny-head lol :p

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 6 months ago

hey put back your ghost-bunny-head lol :p

No, I'm more a ghost-chick-head lol
Maybe I should put back the other one :-)