Ghostbusters 3 Script Availability?

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 6 months ago

hey put back your ghost-bunny-head lol :p

No, I'm more a ghost-chick-head lol
Maybe I should put back the other one :-)

:-) you and your avatars… I thought I was the one on here to change my profile all the time lol.


by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 6 months ago

:-) you and your avatars… I thought I was the one on here to change my profile all the time lol.

LOL, Never heard about Roslee until now. lol

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 6 months ago

:-) you and your avatars… I thought I was the one on here to change my profile all the time lol.

LOL, Never heard about Roslee until now. lol

It's my nick name. Most of my friends call me Roslee. I sometimes include it in my posts. Or just the letter. But I've had it for a long time.
