by tigger

23 years, 2 months ago


Just a little constructive critisim here. People are going to wonder where Dana and Jenine have gone (movie ratings go down). Also, it sounds a little to much like part II with the slime issue. The slime was defeated along with Vigo, accept for the positivly charged slime. Also world of the psychic is definately an 80's type show that no one would watch….Pete needs a talk show, like Geraldo. It would need a totally fresh plot. The elephant is a good begining, but this movie has to be all it's own. I have written scripts/books before in my time, and a big factor for good ratings is of course a killer plot. Three Ghost's dressing and posing as the real Ghostbuster and and reeking havoc on the city, and the mayor's office blaming the real Ghostbusters for the problems has potential as a plot. If you would like to rub brains on this, email me:

Thanks for hearing me out!

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

I was going to explain that…I just released the decent parts of the script.

Umm…ghosts leave slime. See GB when Slimer hits the wall.

It's more of a Jay Leno type thing.

The script? Well then there's no point in FIXING this one, is there?

Untrue. Look at the cookie cutter plot of GB2.

Umm…I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone would mistake ghosts for humans. The ghosts in GB are either those fat kind, or wraiths. Wouldn't fool anyone.

I'm done. No one's going to read this thing, and I don't know where to post it where anyone would. I have other script projects, so I can't spend a long time on GB3. If someone wants to take my “script” and run with it, fine.

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

“Just a little constructive critisim here. People are going to wonder where Dana and Jenine have gone (movie ratings go down.”

I was going to explain that…I just released the decent parts of the script.

“Also, it sounds a little to much like part II with the slime issue. The slime was defeated along with Vigo, accept for the positivly charged slime.”

Umm…ghosts leave slime. See GB when Slimer hits the wall.

“Also world of the psychic is definately an 80's type show that no one would watch….Pete needs a talk show, like Geraldo.”

It's more of a Jay Leno type thing.

“It would need a totally fresh plot.”

The script? Well then there's no point in FIXING this one, is there?

“The elephant is a good begining, but this movie has to be all it's own. I have written scripts/books before in my time, and a big factor for good ratings is of course a killer plot.”

Untrue. Look at the cookie cutter plot of GB2.

“Three Ghost's dressing and posing as the real Ghostbuster and and reeking havoc on the city, and the mayor's office blaming the real Ghostbusters for the problems has potential as a plot.”

Umm…I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone would mistake ghosts for humans. The ghosts in GB are either those fat kind, or wraiths. Wouldn't fool anyone.

I'm done. No one's going to read this thing, and I don't know where to post it where anyone would. I have other script projects, so I can't spend a long time on GB3. If someone wants to take my “script” and run with it, fine.

by Edimasta

23 years, 2 months ago

This script is too much like the First Part of Ghostbusters and the second part!!!!

The new GB 3 has to be completely new, because NOW the Actors are very old and not as before… so there HAVE TO BE NEW GHOSTBUSTERS!!

I think it should be a kind of EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS, but just a little bit like that… not the same smile

Maybe I write a story about GB 3, like a Book for the movie!! Maybe… we will see…

by sparksmovies

23 years, 1 month ago

OK…my 2 cents folks. Personally, I'm getting tired of people in general trying to modernize things. Extreme Ghostbusters was a PC hunk of festering ectoplasm. Ghostbusters shouldnt have flight packs, they shouldn't be spitting out contemporary slang like “dawg!” or “phat!”, and they most certainly shouldn't be things like a major character's death involved. It's just NOT Ghostbusters. Now, I've read lots of fanfiction before… some of it was good for what it was, and some of it was soooo completely off base, it lost all ties to what Ghostbusters SHOULD be. That being said, I like Guard's script. He knows how to write, and tell a coherent story. As I've stressed before, mixing elements from the cartoon universe in with the movie universe can prove to be…dangerous. But then again, that's just my opinion. After finishing this script, I came to a few basic conclusions: 1) If fleshed out, it could make a cool indie-film…but not Hollywood worthy, unfortunately. 2) One thing that was VERY lacking was comedy. I only found a few jokes in the whole read…and that's a shame, considering we're supposed to be dealing with a comedy. 3)Refferences should be made to previous characters from the original films, at least to establish what happened to them. So anyway, in summation: A fun read, with some work needed. No big shock. Most scripts go through dozens of re-writes before they're finalized.


by deadderek

23 years, 1 month ago

I love it. It seems thought out and creative. My Congrats to ya!

by BusterJJS

23 years, 1 month ago

Hey I give you an A for effort but a few things bugged. Like what was the names of the new GB trainess, and the people busters were in the real ghostbuster when Egon, Ray, and peter got sucked into the spirit world. Don't take it to heart that's just my opinion.

by ProtonPack666

23 years, 1 month ago

Overall I think the script is really good. Although I do have some problems. For instance, The scene were the peoplebusters swoop down on Ecto-1B. One of the ghostbusters makes a comment about how the peoplebusters where the ones who got peter. Never in the script did it mention how the Ghosbusters found out about peter's disappearance. Also, The Script did the same the thing in which Ghostbusters 2 did. Ghostbusters 2 didn't build up to the climax unlike Ghostbusters 1. The only other thing I didn't like all to much is having the People Buster Peter be the main boss. What made him the main boss? What special powers did he have? He also didn't put up much of a fight. I think the Peoplebusters idea would have worked better if they were in a sense mini bosses, like the terror dogs or the Scolari Brothers. And behind the peoplebusters would be a unknown mastermind behind the whole thing. To me at least there are characteristics that are seen in both movies that should be incorporated:

Main Head Honcho Boss

Mini Bosses (Terror Dogs/Scolari Bros)
(that is why the peoplebusters could work)

Dana/Peter Relationship (It doesn't have to be long and drawn out like the first two)

Janine/Louis (The have been there since the beginning)

Annoying Assholes (Walter Peck, and the dude in GB2 that was the mayors assistant. I forgot his name. We need a guy that tries to ruin the GB's rep.)

Slimer (The intresting thing is, in GB3 slimer should actually be living with them now. We got accustomed to it, and and GB's and louis, aren't afraid of him as opposed to other ghost. They are merely annoyed, like Pete in the RGB. At least louis is. After all, he got on a bus that slimer was driving so he could blast the Museum.)

References to Previous Movies (There always good for cheap laughs, at least when Louis uses them)

Updated Ecto (Seems like something meaning less but no one ever complained)

Commericals (Gotta have them low budget GB commercials)

That is all, if there is any I missed please feel free to add on to my list. I just think these are characteristics that we just have to have in GB3. It wouldn't be a ghostbuster movie without it.

“That reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head.”

“It would have worked if you didn't stop me.”

by DrPeterVenkman

23 years ago

I worked on a scriptment for GBIII @ some point and the story involved Dana having strange dreams where a large demon is chained in a spirit world and it is connected to Dana in some way.

I had a new Mayor who was peeved @ the Ghostbusters for all the bad publicity they were giving the city so he ordered them to shut down. The four went their seperate ways and got jobs to pay to keep the containment unit switched on.

Janine and Louis were married. Pete And Dana were married for a while but got divorced.

Ecto-1A was still around and so were the packs. I had a new PKE meter though.

That was my idea anyway… I liked the other script tho. It was cool smile

See ya,


by TheGuard

22 years, 11 months ago

Hey. Sorry. I've been away for a while. Appreciate all the nice things said. If someone wants to take that script and run with it, be my guest.